
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44827

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Miss P Ongley

Representation Summary:

The size of this proposal development is ridiculous. Many of the new homes would have 2+ cars. I cannot believe it is even being considered. Traffic volume is bad now at peak times. Covering such a vast area with concrete could escalate the flooding, already a problem in Cubbington. Goodbye Cubbington village, its wildlife and pleasant walks. I guess the residents of Lillington would be equally appalled.

Full text:

The size of this proposal development is ridiculous. Many of the new homes would have 2+ cars. I cannot believe it is even being considered. Traffic volume is bad now at peak times. Covering such a vast area with concrete could escalate the flooding, already a problem in Cubbington. Goodbye Cubbington village, its wildlife and pleasant walks. I guess the residents of Lillington would be equally appalled.