
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44816

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: David Sim

Representation Summary:

1: The increase in traffic. Junctions are already busy and are accident hot spots. The increase of traffic creates problems for the town as all the main retail and employment are to the South. All this extra traffic will have to go over 1 of 4 bridges all of which get congested with.

2: Flooding from surface water running into Cubbington, an area already prone to flooding. As it is now the clay soil will not soak up the water.

3: This new development would be built on greenbelt and we would lose Cubbington as a village.

Full text:

1: The main objective will be the increase in traffic in Parkland Avenue and the junction at Cubbington Road. This junction is bust at peak times of the day. With an extra 2000 houses which could mean 3000 extra cars getting off the estate down Parklands Avenue and Valley Road onto the Offchurch Road up to the junction at the top of Windmill Hill. This junction and Parklands Avenue and Cubbington Road have had a lot of accidents over the years which would increase if this development is given the go ahead. The access to Parklands would be down narrow roads which were made to serve only the houses in them. The increase of traffic creates problems for the town as all the main food supermarkets are south of the town, as is all the main employment. All this extra traffic will have to go over 1 of 4 bridges all of which get congested with.

2: The second main problem is the surface water running of the estate into Cubbington and the Parkland Road area. This would be due to the soil not taking the water. As it is now the water will not soak through the soil sue to the shallow amount of top soil before hitting the clay base. This would make the surface run off the land even more into the area. Which are prone to flooding now.

3: This new development would be built on greenbelt area and would join Cubbington and Lillington into one, hence it would no longer be a village.