
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44808

Received: 01/04/2010

Respondent: Roger Lee

Representation Summary:

1: Houses are being built on farmland which at the moment absorbs rain water from high ground and when this ground is built over, the excess will be directed onto the edge of Cubbington Village, which already has flood problems which have not been solved.

2: The proposed housing estate will take away the village identity of Cubbington and this increased traffic on Windmill Hill and Cubbington Road will further impact on an already busy area.

3: The current schools in the area will not suffice the additional children.

Full text:

We strongly object to the proposed building of new houses on Glebe Farm, Cubbington.

1: Houses are being built on farmland which at the moment absorbs rain water from high ground and when this ground is built over, the excess will be directed onto the edge of Cubbington Village, which already has flood problems which have not been solved.

2: The proposed housing estate will take away the village identity of Cubbington and this increased traffic on Windmill Hill and Cubbington Road will further impact on an already busy area.

3: The current schools in the area will not suffice the additional children.