
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44801

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mr Ian Wallace

Representation Summary:

Encroachment on green belt separating Lillington/Cubbington. If developed will lose open space and end up with urban sprawl. Village will lose identity and become suburb of Leamington.
Rugby Road, Offchurch Road and Windmill Hill cross roads very busy roads. Extra traffic would cause congestion and disruption with increase in accidents.
Schools, doctors etc inadequate to support large increase in population.
Flooding has been a problem in Cubbington Village. Proposed development on clay subsoil could make worse.
May also affect property values.
Fields crossed by footpaths which are well used and regarded by many as an important local amenity. Development would adversely affect wildlife.

Full text:

It will be another encroachment on the green belt land which keeps the communities of Lillington and Cubbington separate. If this land is developed, we will lose open space which allows the area to 'breathe' and will end up with a large urban sprawl which links the areas with the rest of Leamington Spa. The village will lose its identity and just become another suburb of Leamington Spa.
The Rugby Road, Offchurch Road and the Windmill Hill cross roads (mini roundabout) are very busy roads even now and the large amount of extra traffic would cause congestion and disruption, particularly during rush hours, with an increase in accidents.
The local services - schools, doctors etc would be completely inadequate to support such a large increase in the local population
Flooding has been a problem in Cubbington Village. The proposed development on clay subsoil could make this problem worse - this could lead to Cubbington being graded as 'high risk of flooding area' making it difficult and expensive to get insurance. May also affect property values in the village as a result.
The fields in question are crossed by a number of footpaths which are well used by residents and regarded by many as an important local amenity which would be lost to the detriment of all. Development on this site would adversely affect wildlife - just at a time when we are being urged to be environmentally friendly