
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44804

Received: 01/04/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs G Simms

Representation Summary:

1: We were flooded in June 2007 due to rainwater coming off the steep farmland. We have heavy clay type soil which cannot take heavy rain.
2: The roads through Cubbington are already extremely dangerous due to on-road parking and narrow roads.
3: The present 'rights of way' over the fields do not appear to have been considered. What will happen to all the wildlife?
4: If this proposal goes ahead we will have no village.
5: Is it intended to build more schools?
6: Where will all these people find work in the area?

Full text:

1: We were flooded in June 2007 due to rainwater coming off the farmland behind our property. We have heavy clay type soil which cannot take heavy rain. The land mentioned above is on a steep incline, which clearly will not absorb rainwater and this will cascade down into the village causing more distress to villagers and very costly to the council and insurance companies solutions are still ongoing.
2: The main roads through Cubbington have already proved to be extremely dangerous due to on-road parking of vehicles and the problem of no car park at St Mary's Church or at Cubbington Methodist Church. The roads are also very narrow. Sadly, pleas for a one way system have been thrown out by the Parish Council as 'not viable'. Any extra traffic would be totally intolerable for all concerned.
3: The present 'rights of way' over the fields do not appear to have been considered. What will happen to all the wildlife?
4: We pay a heavy Poll Tax in this area for the pleasure of living in a village. If this proposal goes ahead we will have no village.
5: Is it intended to build more schools?
6: Where will all these people find work in the area? At present there is no employment here.
There are far more suitable areas to build i.e. the old Peugeot factory and Coventry Airport if not used in the future.