
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44811

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs Gould

Representation Summary:

- We are concerned that our house value, and our personal satisfaction will be destroyed forever.
- Flooding problems already exist the area from this land - and these would be made even worse.
- Already congested roads, junctions locally could not cope with more cars
- The loss of community spirit of a village something so precious, and yet, being taken away so fast in this country.
- Negative effect on Wildlife in this Greenbelt
- If we have to have more houses - add to Leamington where none of the above apply.

Full text:

As Oakridge Road residents 200 yards from the proposed development, we are seriously concerned that our house value, and our personal satisfaction with where we live will be destroyed forever.

The proposed site is also totally inappropriate because:
- Flooding problems already exist in Oakridge Road, Parklands Avenue, Meadow Close, Cubbington Village, from this land - and these would be made even worse.
- Already congested roads, junctions locally could not cope with another 3000+ cars
- The loss of community spirit of a village, also felt by those of us immediately adjoining Cubbington - somethi ng so precious, and yet, being taken away so fast in this country.
- Negative effect on Wildlife in this Greenbelt
- If we have to have more houses - add to Leamington where none of the above apply.