
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44825

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Mrs D Batchelder

Representation Summary:

I strongly object to Cubbington Village joining with Lillington. The flooding in Cubbington has not yet been resolved. Water collects at the junction of Offchurch Road and Queen Street. We have two excellent schools in Cubbington - where are more children from these proposed house to be educated? We at Cubbington want to keep our open areas, footpaths, farm animals, wildlife; we pay high rates for this privilege. We want to stay a village, not one large housing estate!

Full text:

I strongly object to Cubbington Village joining with Lillington. The flooding in Cubbington has not yet been resolved. Water collects at the junction of Offchurch Road and Queen Street. We have two excellent schools in Cubbington - where are more children from these proposed house to be educated? We at Cubbington want to keep our open areas, footpaths, farm animals, wildlife; we pay high rates for this privilege. We want to stay a village, not one large housing estate!