
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44813

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: James Hodges

Representation Summary:

Oppose development at Glebe Farm

Greenbelt is given that name for a reason. Development would destroy areas of natural beauty and damage wildlife

Development would also put too much pressure on local schools and doctors.

We need to keep the identity of Cubbington as a village

Government targets are ill conceived. We need new houses where appropriate. This area is not appropriate. Incoming government may scrap this scheme (hopefully). Consideration should be given to brown field sites such as Ryton - not Greenfield sites.

Full text:

Oppose development at Glebe Farm

Greenbelt is given that name for a reason. Development would destroy areas of natural beauty and damage wildlife

Development would also put too much pressure on local schools and doctors.

We need to keep the identity of Cubbington as a village

Government targets are ill conceived. We need new houses where appropriate. This area is not appropriate. Incoming government may scrap this scheme (hopefully). Consideration should be given to brown field sites such as Ryton - not Greenfield sites.