
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44817

Received: 31/03/2010

Respondent: R.W & J. Richards

Representation Summary:

Oakridge Road is not suitable as a through road. The Parklands Avenue/ Cubbington Road/ Telford Avenue junction is very difficult to get on at peak times - a further influx of traffic would make it impossible.

There is quite a lot of water that runs down from the field. The drains have been but there is still quite a stream that runs down after a heavy rainfall. If the proposed buildings take place this means that excess water will run onto Welsh Road. Lastly we do not think Cubbington and Lillington joining up is a good idea.

Full text:

Oakridge Road is not suitable as a through road. The road is not wide enough. The Parklands Avenue/ Cubbington Road/ Telford Avenue junction is very difficult to get on at peak times now - a further influx of traffic would make it impossible.

There is quite a lot of water that runs down Oakridge from the field. The drains have been enlarged to take this water as three houses at the bottom of the road have been flooded several times. There is still quite a stream that runs down after a heavy rainfall. If the proposed buildings take place this means that excess water will run onto Welsh Road - where flooding has been a big problems. Lastly we do not think Cubbington and Lillington joining up is a good idea.