
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44823

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Ms & Mr K. Rogers & R. Barnbrook

Representation Summary:

1: This will massively increase demands on our already over burdened roads.

2: Increased traffic will have a massive impact on the safety of our roads.

3: Loss of our local environment and associated quality of life for residents.

4: Added demand for school places in the local area.

5: Destroys the existing wildlife and prevents new species to migrate to the area.

6: Green belt land destroyed.

7: Increase in noise pollution from increase in traffic.

8: The proposal for dwellings is in a flood plain and on a site that has regularly flooded in the past.

Full text:

1: This will massively increase demands on our already over burdened roads. Traffic in and around the Rugby Road is congested enough at present. The addition of so many new house will add to this problem.

2: Increased traffic will have a massive impact on the safety of our roads. There have been a number of accidents on the Rugby Road already.

3: The development will mean the loss of a key part of our local environment and associated quality of life for residents.

4: It will create added demand for school places in the local area.

5: Destroys the existing wildlife and prevents new species to migrate to the area.

6: Green belt land destroyed when brown land available elsewhere.

7: Increase in noise pollution from increase in traffic.

8: The proposal for dwellings is in a flood plain and on a site that has regularly flooded in the past.