Do you support or object to the development of Glebe Farm, Cubbington?

Showing comments and forms 211 to 240 of 903


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44070

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Miss Heather McEntee

Representation Summary:

Destroys village feel of Cubbington.
Traffic problems, especially at Windmill Hill
Flood Risk on the site and in the village
Traffic problems worsened when Welsh Road floods to be impassable.
Loss of rural footpaths for leisure use

Full text:

If such a large area between Cubbington and Lillington is built upon, Cubbington will be swallowed up into Leamington and will lose the village feeling and identity that makes it such a great place to live.
I have concerns about the extra traffic the site will produce and how much of it will be heading into a bottle neck at the Rugby Road with Windmill Hill, creating chaos in the village.
The existing flooding issues around Cubbington are well known and still ongoing, how are further problems to be guarded against?
Traffic problems will be exacerbated by the flooding that frequently cuts off Welsh Road at the river crossing.
Also, I am a frequent leisure user of the footpaths across that land, which will no longer be possible; even if they continue to exist they will be purely functional and thoroughly urbanised.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44071

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Mrs Tamsin Smyth

Representation Summary:

See above, just over 100 words we object to this plot for reasons of infrastucture, unacceptable traffic increases and flood risk from surface water run off.

Full text:

We are extremely concerned about this proposed plot for development for the following reasons.

Firstly it would represent an unacceptable increase in traffic to the Parklands Road area. Additionally the existing infrastructure (including supermarkets) and road network could not possibly support the level of development proposed, access to the M40 motorway is not straightforward from this side of town.

Losing this green belt area would result in urban sprawl that the area should not support when other areas presented simply don't have the same negative implications.

The water runoff down Oakridge Road already threatens houses on Parklands Avenue (as seen in June 2007) and introducing more development will simply increase this risk.

It is our belief that this area cannot accept this development and we hope that the sense of the council prevails!


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44072

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Dr Neil Evans

Representation Summary:

Loss of identity for Cubbington.
Inadequate infrastructure to handle additional residents and traffic - including dangers of increased traffic on Offchurch Road/Windmill Hill.
Poor surface water drainage and flood protection.
Loss of extensively used green belt area, including public footpaths, and loss of corresponding wildlife.

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The proposed development would mean the end of Cubbington Village as a separate identity and lead to Lillington and Cubbington being absorbed into Leamington proper.

It is obvious that the Cubbington side of the development does not have the infrastructure (roads, schools etc) to be able to handle the additional traffic and residents - particularly increasing the dangers of increased traffic on Offchurch Road/Windmill Hill and at the mini-roundabout at the top of Windmill Hill (on Rugby Road). In addition, there would be an even greater burden on current inadequate surface water drainage and flood protection.

The area is green belt and used extensively on a daily basis by residents from Lillington and Cubbington and other walkers making use of the public footpaths. In addition, there would be a severe detrimental effect on current wildlife (including buzzards, badgers, sparrowhawks) inhabiting the area and the associated hedgerows.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44073

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Mrs Anne Harwood

Representation Summary:

I would fully support a more modest plan for affordable housing in Cubbington.

However, the size of the proposed development cannot be supported by the infrastructure, especially the road systems - and in particular the way it would feed onto Windmill Hill (a cross roads already well-known for accidents).

Local schools would not be able to cope with the increased pupil numbers and again the traffic congestion around schools that already exists around morning and afternoons.

The added flooding threat which would be worse than three years ago when almost 50 homes were severely damaged.

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I would fully support a more modest plan for affordable housing in Cubbington.

However, the size of the proposed development cannot be supported by the infrastructure, especially the road systems - and in particular the way it would feed onto Windmill Hill (a cross roads already well-known for accidents).

Local schools would not be able to cope with the increased pupil numbers and again the traffic congestion around schools that already exists around morning and afternoons.

The added flooding threat which would be worse than three years ago when almost 50 homes were severely damaged.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44074

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Mrs Miranda Crees

Representation Summary:

The area is already prone to flooding and this will only worsen the existing problem.

Traffic along Welsh Road is already heavy and goes too fast - this will only worsen.

It will put unacceptable pressure on the local amenities ie schools and Drs - which are already under extreme pressure.

It is green belt which should be protected - with its footpaths and wildlife.

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The area is already prone to flooding and this will only worsen the existing problem.

Traffic along Welsh Road is already heavy and goes too fast - this will only worsen.

It will put unacceptable pressure on the local amenities ie schools and Drs - which are already under extreme pressure.

It is green belt which should be protected - with its footpaths and wildlife.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44075

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Ms Gabriela Deppe

Representation Summary:

Our green belt needs to be protected to prevent urban sprawl of the large built up area of Leamington Spa.
Site is prone to flooding and would worsen existing village flooding problems.
Local roads not suitable to support significant increase in traffic, major disruption would be caused to all Cubbington residents.
Loss of open spaces and well used public footpaths, also negative environmental impact on wildlife.

Full text:

Our green belt needs to be protected to prevent urban sprawl of the large built up area of Leamington Spa.
Site is prone to flooding and would worsen existing village flooding problems.
Local roads not suitable to support significant increase in traffic, major disruption would be caused to all Cubbington residents.
Loss of open spaces and well used public footpaths, also negative environmental impact on wildlife.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44076

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Mr Jonathan Rawlings

Representation Summary:

I object very strongly to the proposed development of Glebe Farm, Cubbington. The loss of open land will have a detrimental effect on a large amount of people and will have a considerable impact on the wildlife in the area. The views over open countryside will be lost to those living in and travelling through the area. The extra traffic will increase congestion, pollution and noise on roads that are already very busy during peak hours. Surface water runoff will potentially increase flooding problems in Cubbington where some of the existing problems have still not been fully dealt with.

Full text:

I object very strongly to the proposed development of Glebe Farm, Cubbington. The loss of open land will have a detrimental effect on a large amount of people and will have a considerable impact on the wildlife in the area. The views over open countryside will be lost to those living in and travelling through the area. The extra traffic will increase congestion, pollution and noise on roads that are already very busy during peak hours. Surface water runoff will potentially increase flooding problems in Cubbington where some of the existing problems have still not been fully dealt with.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44079

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Miss Nicola Palmer

Representation Summary:

- access routes unable to cope with traffic
- local junctions dangerously congested
- unsustainable traffic increase accross town and through Cubbington and Offchurch
- fertile farmland must retain its green belt status
- flooding problems would be aggravated
- Lillington and Cubbington must be preserved as communities independent of the town sprawl
- habitats would be destroyed, rich wildlife on this site would be lost
- public footpaths would be lost

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The closes off Parklands Avenue are extremely narrow and certainly could not cope with any additional traffic.

Local junctions are already overloaded with traffic, particularly at peak times, with frequent accidents occurring at Telford/Parklands Avenue junction and the Windmill Hill/Rugby Road roundabout.

Cross town traffic congestion would increase as major retail outlets and employers are located south of the river. Cubbington and Offchurch could not accommodate an increase in commuters accessing the Fosse.

This fertile farmland should retain its green belt status since there will be a shortage of arable land for future food production. Alternative brown field sites could be developed.

This site and much of its surrounding area suffer from flooding which will be aggravated by the addition of non-porous surfaces. The drainage in Cubbington Village is already inadequate.

Lillington and Cubbington Village should be preserved as independent communities and not merged with town centre. This green space embodies the boundary between the town and its rural communities.

The site is rich in wildlife including many badger setts and muntjac deer. If developed, their habitats would be lost and the wide range of birds, including woodpeckers and jays, would disappear from this site.

Well-used and appreciated public footpaths would be lost.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44080

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Mr David Broad

Representation Summary:

In summary this proposal will have a dramatic negative effect on the current village of Cubbington.

Full text:

I strongly object to the proposed site on the basis that it would destroy the current village of Cubbington as we now know it. The greenbelt land which contais protected wildlife must be maintained in it's current form to prevent the unrestricted sprawl of another large built up area of Leamington Spa. We must maintain the countryside in it's current form. We must maintain the two currnet distinct communities of Cubbington and Lillington where people choose to live in village locations.
I am concerned that the proposed development will add to the problems with flooding.
I am concerned that the village infastructure will not be able to support the proposed development, in particular, roads and the increased likelyhood of road accidents.
I also understand that their is a private house on the land that has not yet been considered


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44081

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Mr Stuart Rawlings

Representation Summary:

Increased traffic on already congested roads,
Additional stress on emergency services,
Loss of a green belt land,
Increased flood risk,
Cubbington will lose its status as a village.

Full text:

Increased traffic on already congested roads,
Additional stress on emergency services,
Loss of a green belt land,
Increased flood risk,
Cubbington will lose its status as a village.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44082

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Mrs Maureen Rawlings

Representation Summary:

I would like to keep Cubbington village as a village and object to this open area of countryside being built upon.

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I would like to keep Cubbington village as a village and object to this open area of countryside being built upon.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44083

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Mr Ian Harwod

Representation Summary:


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Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44085

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Claire McCrone

Representation Summary:

We are concerned about the potential loss of community, and village identity.
We are concerned about the impact this development could have on our children growing up within the village, their schools and amenities.
We are concerned about the additional traffic that would be generated by such a large development.
We are concerned about the loss of the rural surroundings, especially local footpaths and wildlife.
We are concerned about increased risk of flooding.

Full text:

We are concerned about the potential loss of community, and village identity.
We are concerned about the impact this development could have on our children growing up within the village, their schools and amenities.
We are concerned about the additional traffic that would be generated by such a large development.
We are concerned about the loss of the rural surroundings, especially local footpaths and wildlife.
We are concerned about increased risk of flooding.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44086

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Dr Jane Coad

Representation Summary:

As above. Opposed. We are very much opposed to this development and suggest more thought to alternative sites is required.

Full text:

My family object to this for several reasons:
1. The outstanding nature of proposed site - rural, green belt with badgers and 1,000 years of countryside being developed in this way. There are other sites in warks that would be more suitable such as Bagginton - residents there have expressly said they would love a vilalge development
2. This is a high risk flood area and any building would potentially add to that. I would think highly unsuitable for beuilding of this nature.
3. The potential increased traffic and impact on the schools, medical facilities and roads. If there are 2-3,000 houses then there are at least 2,000 cars and children. This is not an ideal site for such a vast housing.
We are very much opposed to this development and suggest more thought is required.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44087

Received: 22/03/2010

Respondent: Tina Fennelly

Representation Summary:

It is a village. The green belt should be protected, without it village life would be no more and the community will be destroyed.

Green belt land is very precious and this should be protected as far as possible. Pressure will inevitably arise to extend the development.

Current problems with flooding and the soil is not suitable for building development - it can only make the problem worse.

Increase pressure on local amenities.

Massive environmental impact.

It would cause an enormous increase in traffic. These roads are already busy and dangerous and would not cope.

House prices would inevitably suffer.

Full text:

I object to this development for a number of reasons:-

1. I moved to the village in 2003 for exactly that reason - it is a village. The green belt between Lillington and Cubbington should be protected at all costs, it separates the two areas of Lillington and Cubbington and without it village life would be no more. The large built up area of Leamington should not be allowed to encroach on our village and destroy a community that has been established for many, many years.
2. Green belt land is very precious and is part of the reason why Leamington Spa is such an attractive place to live - we are all within a short distance of the countryside and this should be protected as far as possible. Pressure will inevitably arise to extend the development into the green belt area around Thwaites factory. Developments in Sydenham and Warwick Gates have done nothing to make me wish for that near the village in which I live. People who buy these homes have a choice - my choice was to buy a home in a village.
3. Cubbington has well documented problems with flooding and in my opinion the heavy clay soil is not suitable for building a large scale housing development - it can only make the flooding problem worse for the village.
4. This huge development would lead to much pressure on local amenities such as schools, transport, Doctors etc.
5. The environmental impact cannot be stressed enough - there would be a massive impact on local wildlife as well as the loss of many well loved and well used footpaths.
6. The proposed access to the new development could be from Offchurch Road between Hill Farm and the public footpath entrance, and through the cul-de-sacs off Parklands Avenue. Offchurch Road, Rugby Road and Windmill Hill roundabout would be greatly affected by the enormous increase in traffic this development would bring. These roads are already extremely busy during rush hour and there have been numerous accidents at the Windmill Hill roundabout. The infra structure cannot cope with the increase in traffic that building thousands more houses would inevitably lead to. This will cause a great deal of disruption to all residents in Cubbington and Lillington.
7. House prices would inevitably suffer because of the new development - Cubbington would not be such an attractive place to live if it loses some of the surrounding countryside and its great community feeling, as it will if it becomes surrounded by the 'legoland' that is Warwick Gates.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44090

Received: 26/03/2010

Respondent: Brian Wall

Representation Summary:

Access and Road Infrastructure:
This will introduce serious safety implications due to the narrow residential roads being unsuitable for a major increase in traffic. Lack of routes and employment and services in the south of Leamington would generate substantial volumes of traffic.

Increased Risk of Flooding:
The site regularly experiences flooding due to the clay subsoil and topography of the area. The development is likely to result in serious flooding in future.

Need to Retain the existing Green Belt:
Unrestricted urban expansion will ruin the character of Cubbington village. Many ancient hedgerows would be eliminated, removing the natural habitat for wildlife in the area.

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Access and Road Infrastructure

The location is totally unsuitable for the substantial number of properties that are being proposed. The only access available for the site will be via the residential roads off Parklands Avenue and Mason Avenue, or via Offchurch Road, Cubbington. This will introduce serious safety implications due to the narrow residential access roads being unsuitable for such a major increase in traffic.

The Parklands Avenue junction with the Cubbington Road and Windmill Hill junction with Rugby Road have experienced serious accidents in recent years and are unsuitable for any increase in traffic. One of the most direct routes from the proposed development to Leamington town centre would be via Leicester Street and other residential roads which are totally unsuitable for any increase in traffic.

There will be no easy access to any of the Midlands' motorways therefore traffic from the development would have no alternative but to access the motorway networks via narrow country lanes or through the town centre of Royal Leamington Spa.

There are minimal employment opportunities to the north of Leamington and all of Leamington's large out-of-town retail stores are situated to the south. Once again this would generate very substantial volumes of traffic, over and above that which would be generated if a development of this size were to be situated in a more suitable location.

Increased Risk of Flooding

The area to the west of Thwaites factory as well as parts of the proposed development site regularly experience flooding due to the nature of the clay subsoil and the fact that the area is within a hollow, having inclines on three sides. Covering the surface soil with hundreds of additional properties and their associated roads, pavements and driveways is likely to result in serious flooding in future, due a combination of the above together with the erratic weather patterns we have experienced in recent years.

Need to Retain the existing Green Belt

Unrestricted urban expansion over such a large area will ruin the character of Cubbington village and transform it into just another suburb of Leamington Spa. Many ancient hedgerows would be eliminated, thereby removing the natural habitat for a diverse variety of wildlife in the area.

The Glebe Farm site is clearly unsuitable for a development of the size being proposed.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44091

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Miss Laura Madden

Representation Summary:

We chose to live in Cubbington for a number of reasons, mainly because of the village feel and the surrounding countryside. This would all be gone if these proposals went ahead.
There are also a number of other factors to consider,
1.The increased risk of flooding in the village.
2.The extra pressure this development would have on the local schools and doctors.
3.Roads would become increasingly busy, the mini roundabout already has a large number of accidents, the extra traffic would could a great deal of distruption to everyone living in Cubbington.
4.The environmental impact on the wildlife and the loss of well used footpaths.

Full text:

We chose to live in Cubbington for a number of reasons, mainly because of the village feel and the surrounding countryside. This would all be gone if these proposals went ahead.
There are also a number of other factors to consider,
1.The increased risk of flooding in the village.
2.The extra pressure this development would have on the local schools and doctors.
3.Roads would become increasingly busy, the mini roundabout already has a large number of accidents, the extra traffic would could a great deal of distruption to everyone living in Cubbington.
4.The environmental impact on the wildlife and the loss of well used footpaths.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44092

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mrs Janet Underhill

Representation Summary:

Increase in likelihood of flooding
Increase in traffic on unsuitable roads
Loss of arable land affecting ecology of the area
Loss of village identity
Loss of public footpaths
Increased pressure on local amenities
Almost certain decrease in property prices

Full text:

Increase in likelihood of flooding
Increase in traffic on unsuitable roads
Loss of arable land affecting ecology of the area
Loss of village identity
Loss of public footpaths
Increased pressure on local amenities
Almost certain decrease in property prices


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44094

Received: 26/03/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs B & C Shackleton

Representation Summary:

The green belt must be protected to prevent the unrestricted sprawl of Leamington Spa. If not protected, village life as we know it will disappear forever.

Pressure will inevitably arise to extend the development.

The site is prone to flooding, building on this land would worsen this issue.

Roads, already at capacity, are not suitable to support the significant increase in the volume of traffic.

Increased pressure on already struggling local resources.

Catastrophic environmental impact on wildlife and public footpaths.

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Our objections are as follows:

 The green belt between Lillington and Cubbington must be protected to prevent the unrestricted sprawl of the large built up area of Royal Leamington Spa, it safeguards the countryside from encroachment and maintains the two district communities of Lillington and Cubbington village. If not protected, village life as we know it will disappear forever.

 Pressure will inevitably arise to extend the development to the clearly defined boundary of the Welsh Road and into Green Belt around the site of Thwaites factory.

 The impervious heavy clay subsoil causes the site to be prone to flooding, building on this land would worsen the existing village flooding problem.

 The proposed site access could be from the Offchurch Road between Hill Farm and the public footpath entrance and through the cul-de-sacs off Parklands Avenue, Offchurch Road, Rugby Road, Windmill Hill and the roundabout at the top of hill (where many accidents occur) will be affected and are not suitable to support the significant increase in the volume of traffic from thousands more travelling to and from the village at 'rush hour' morning and evening will cause a great deal of disruption to ALL Cubbington residents. The junction at Windmill Hill is already at full capacity and cannot be widened in any way to alleviate the problems that will be experienced with the voluminous traffic that would no doubt need to use this junction should the planned estate go ahead therefore creating major traffic disruptions to surrounding areas.

 Such a large scale settlement would cause a great deal of pressure on local schools, doctors and other resources, many of which already struggle as they are not allocated sufficient funds to deal with the numbers already populating these areas.

 Imagine the environmental impact on the protected wildlife in these surrounding old fields and the loss of the well used footpaths, this would be catastrophic and we should be doing all we can to protect the wildlife and prevent many species from becoming extinct and dying out!

 We believe to protect this area as much as possible that Warwick District Council should at least consider the six other sites that have been suggested by developers and landowners not only because us and many other residents don't want this development on our doorsteps but also because of the risk of flooding in the area, an issue which has been raised above and we have a relative in the village who has already suffered issues due to heavy rainfall and localised flooding and problems with drains which will only be exacerbated by the new development if this was to go ahead.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44097

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mrs Karen Griffin

Representation Summary:

Over development of the area between Lillington & Cubbington. Changing the face of Cubbington.
Flood/overload of drainage/water systems.
Primary and Secondary school issues. Overload of schools in immediate area. Potential changes of catchment areas.
Concerns also with the proposed new fast track railway line.

Full text:

Over development of the area between Lillington & Cubbington. Changing the face of Cubbington.
Flood/overload of drainage/water systems.
Primary and Secondary school issues. Overload of schools in immediate area. Potential changes of catchment areas.
Concerns also with the proposed new fast track railway line.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44103

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Councillor Norman Colls

Representation Summary:

If building on this site results in less of the original prefered option building at Harbury Lane and Europa Way area then I'm in favor of this development as it is a fairer distribution of future development across the district.

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If building on this site results in less of the original prefered option building at Harbury Lane and Europa Way area then I'm in favor of this development as it is a fairer distribution of future development across the district.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44110

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mr Tim Morse

Representation Summary:

The proposal for site 3 is strongly opposed as it will damge the land supporting protected species, will contribute to the local flooding problem, will increase traffic at 'rush hour' times and increase the likelihood of accidents, it will blur the parish boundary losing the sense of village life and the increase in the local population would overstretch the local schools and community services

Full text:

I am responding on behalf of my wife and myself to object the proposed build on to Site 3.
The reasons for the objection are numerous and we cannot believe that the planners would consider such a proposal. The reasons are;
1. The proposed land is heavy in clay and as a result any surface water created as a result of heavy rain fall collects and drains to the lowest parts of the village (one reason why the flood area was created in Lillington!). As a result the surface water flood places such as the village centre and 'Lady Croft'. By increaing the houses within this area would only make this situation worse. The last time the village flooded, the surface water came from the housing areas and not from the fields. The local drains could not cope with the volume of water and the culvert running alongside Offchurch Road was practically empty. A proposal to make this worse would be devastating to those living in areas most at risk
2. The land is greenbelt and supports a lot of local wildlife such as Badgers, Muntjac, Woodpeckers, Kestrels and Buzzards. Building here would damage this protected population
3. The local roads will become more congested as the traffic increases. The volume of cars at the junction of Windmill Hill and Rugby Road will increase, thus increasing the risk of accidents, especially at the mini-roundabout. The roads cannot cope with the increased traffic trying to access the major trunk roads.
4. Building on land, as proposed would blur the Parish boundary and damage the sense of village life, as Cubbington is a distinct village. The loss of the well used footpaths would be detrimental to the local fauna
5. The local schools and medical services would not cope with the increase in the local population, this only increasing the local traffic further, especially at rush hour times.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44113

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Ian Kreeger

Representation Summary:

We recently moved from London to quiet Cubbington, my wife is disabled and we were seeking a quieter, more peaceful lifestyle. We've throughly enjoyed the beautiful views and tranquility of Cubbington.We appreciate the need for new houses but feel it's not right in this area.Rather, the lovely paths should be modified so that disabled wheelchair users and mother's with buggies can enjoy the views too. We also care for disabled and autistic children, and are extremly worried about the increase of cars and traffic in the area, and the dangers they pose for all children in the area.

Full text:

We recently moved from London to quiet Cubbington, my wife is disabled and we were seeking a quieter, more peaceful lifestyle. We've throughly enjoyed the beautiful views and tranquility of Cubbington.We appreciate the need for new houses but feel it's not right in this area.Rather, the lovely paths should be modified so that disabled wheelchair users and mother's with buggies can enjoy the views too. We also care for disabled and autistic children, and are extremly worried about the increase of cars and traffic in the area, and the dangers they pose for all children in the area.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44114

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: miss caroline tribe

Representation Summary:

Need to keep Cubbington as a village
Beautiful views that we have a right to keep.
huge issues with local drainage and flooding.
Public footpaths.
Congestion from traffic.

Full text:

I strongly object to the proposal to build on Glebe Farm Cubbington. I am a local resident who moved to the area to reside in a village with beautiful views out to the country. The proposed site would take both of these factors away forever. I also moved in 3 years ago in the year that Cubbington suffered from disastrous flooding to many residents. To take away even further necessary land drainage from the local area would only increase the risk of future problems with flooding. On days when we have had only a few hours of rain Windmill hill has water streaming down it - I can only imagine how building on Glebe Farm would negatively affect this further.
Additionally, I love walking in and around the village and weekly use the local public footpaths from the bottom of our road, out onto the Glebe Farm fields and beyond. When visitors come to stay with us we always take them on local walks and they always comment on how wonderful it is to have public footpaths around the village. Again, if these would be lost it would be hugely detremental to the local area,envirnment, residents and visitors. Many people choose to live here because of the walks in the surrounding area and to take these away would be a huge loss. Furthermore, there is already a lot of traffic that uses the road between Offchurch and Cubbington we have had several accidents on the mini roundabout at the top of windmill hill including a serious accident that involved our neighbour. Any building proposals and increase in population would only serve to increase this issue further and create more traffic congestion and problems. I know that if this terrible proposal goes ahead we will be looking to move out of the area, alongside many other local residents, who feel that this would be a terrible loss to the rural feel of Cubbington and would seek to find this elsewhere. We do not want to have to do this and feel that we shouldnt have to disrupt our lives because of this I hope that our objections are taken seriously and any decision that is made about the future of our village and local area is taken with great care and understanding.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44115

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mr Stuart Phillips

Representation Summary:

Proposal will cause damage to landscape and environment.
Local walks will be lost.
Extreme flood risk.
Congestion on local streets and roads.
Loss of Cubbington Village Identity.

Full text:

I am a local resident in Cubbington and am extremely concerned at the planned proposal for a number of serious issues that would arise as a direct result of it.

When I moved to the Leamington area I decided to live in Cubbington partly due to the rural feel of the village which was enhanced by the views of the countryside that could be enjoyed from the rear windows of my home. The proposal would remove these views completely and replace it instead with an urban sprawl.

I feel that this would remove the status of Cubbington as a separate village as it would essentially be unidentifiable from nearby Lillington.

The walks enjoyed by local residents such as myself and visitors to the area will be removed and there would be serious damage to wildlife.

In addition to being an area for walking the proposed site currently plays a very important role in reducing flood risks to the areas below it. Even with the land untarnished as it is today there have in the past been significant floods in the village and such occurrences would be more frequent and severe if the land becomes a built up area.

The dramatic increase in local population will also have a detrimental effect on local commutes with congestion rising significantly in the village streets and areas such as the roundabout at the top of Windmill Hill could be subject to even more accidents than occur today.

I believe that the above points should be given serious consideration and the somewhat obvious conclusion reached that an alternative location for the housing is required.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44116

Received: 29/03/2010

Respondent: Jocelyn Stephens

Representation Summary:

Greenbelts should be protected while there are brown sites not fully utilised. It is arable farm land and a habitat for wildlife.

It will cause extra congestion on an already difficult road junction.

Flooding is a major concern and the 2007 problems have not been resolved. The Pitt report cited The Sir Thomas White Trust as being partly responsible and they are now keen to release land for a substantial profitable gain.

The local primary schools are oversubscribed.

The large influx in population will increase the cross town traffic as Leamington's commerce and industry are sited to the south.

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Green Belt areas should be preserved and protected while there are brown sites not fully utilized like the Fords foundary site or the Althorpe site in the old town. The land is rotated arable farm land and provides a natural habitat for wildlife.
Road access from Parklands will cause serious congestion leading to the Cubbington Road. It is already very difficult to turn right out of the junction at Crown Way on to Cubbington Road. The increase in traffic at peak times would make it near impossible.
Flooding is still a major concern in the 'bowl' of Cubbington village and the problems encountered in 2007 have not been resolved. The proposed area is heavy clay subsoil and the inclement weather we now experience causes surface water to run to the lowest point. The Pitt report cited The Sir Thomas White Trust as being partly responsible as they refused to make land available to Severn Trent to provide a second storage area. The same Charity are now keen to release land for a substantial profitable gain.
The local primary schools are fully/over subscribed and North Leamington Secondary School has only just been built at a cost of £32 K to facilitate the 1450 students. There was no provision made for unanticipated planning when the new school was planned some years ago.
The large influx in population will increase the cross town traffic. The major supermarkets are all to the South of the river and Leamington's commerce and industry are also sited to the south of the town.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44117

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Roy Astles

Representation Summary:

We must protect the greenbelt. Allowing development on Greenbelt before Brownfield seems to fly in the face of the Councils "Green agenda". There are protected species on the site. We would also lose country footpaths.

The development would join Lillington and Cubbington together. This would destroy village life in Cubbington and effect property prices.

Pressure will inevitably rise to extend the development further into the green belt.

The heavy clay soil poses a flooding threat, development would aggravate the problem.

Roads are already busy and accident prone. The added traffic would cause traffic chaos. There would be pressure on schools, doctors, etc.

Full text:

I object for the following reasons:-

1./ We must protect the green belt between Lillington and Cubbington. Environmental issues are supposedly high on the agenda of Warwick District Council as well as on a national level. Allowing development on a Greenfield site sooner than a Brownfield site, seems to fly in the face of the Councils "Green agenda" I also believe that there are protected species on the Glebe farm site including a species of newt. We would also lose the use of country footpaths, which are used for access, as well as leisure activities

2./ The proposed development would effectively join Lillington and Cubbington together. This would destroy village life in Cubbington, change its village status, and have a drastic effect on Cubbington property prices.

3./If this development goes ahead pressure will inevitably rise to extend the development further into the green belt around Thwaites factory and beyond.

4./ The heavy clay soil on the proposed site already poses a flooding threat. Building on this site would aggravate the problem and increase the flooding threat in Cubbington.

5./ The impact on local infrastructure would be huge. The island on the junction of Windmill Hill and the Rugby road is already busy at rush hour times. As a member of the emergency services, I also know it to be a junction which has many accidents. The added weight of traffic, if the development were to proceed, would cause traffic chaos in the area. Also there would be great pressure on schools, doctors, dentists etc.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44119

Received: 30/03/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs David Venus

Representation Summary:

The development would merge Lillington and Cubbington. Native wildlife habitats would be lost. Flooding has always been an issue in this area.

My main concern is the road network. The increase of traffic in the area would be a disaster waiting to happen. The roads cannot bare the increase in vehicles.

Also, where are the employment opportunities? None in Cubbington or Lillington, so these people will all have to use the road networks locally. Schools are full, plus the pending closure of North Leamington will mean that transport will be key.

Full text:

I find that developing this area would not only merge Lillington and Cubbington, but firstly native badgers and foxes would lose there homes which would be a great shame. Flooding and irrigation has always been an issue in this area too since I have lived here for over 25 years.

My main concern is how these potential homes are going to be served by the road network. It will increase the amount of vehicles on Leamington's busy roads plus the roundabout on the Rugby Road/Windmill hill would be a disaster waiting to happen. Parklands and the tiny Cul-de-Sacs cannot bare the increase in vehicles. Where will the buses go to?

Also, where are the employment opportunities? None in Cubbington or Lillington, so these people will all have to use the road networks locally. Schools to ( Cubbington/Lillington and Telford) are full for the 5-12 years, plus the pending closure of North Leamington will mean that transport will be key.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44122

Received: 03/04/2010

Respondent: Mrs Victoria Kidd

Representation Summary:

I object to the development at Glebe Farm as we have a lot of problems with flooding in our area and a development of soak away land would aggravate this. Also the development of this land would be devastating to all the wildlife, some of which I would assume is protected. It would really spoil the area to have houses build there.
I grew up walking the fields of Glebe Farm and I want my children to have this too, not to be surrounded by more concrete and busy roads.

Full text:

I object to the development at Glebe Farm as we have a lot of problems with flooding in our area and a development of soak away land would aggravate this. Also the development of this land would be devastating to all the wildlife, some of which I would assume is protected. It would really spoil the area to have houses build there.
I grew up walking the fields of Glebe Farm and I want my children to have this too, not to be surrounded by more concrete and busy roads.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44126

Received: 03/04/2010

Respondent: Mr Ken Hope

Representation Summary:

I object to building on this site as it will reduce the community of Cubbington and its individuality and merge it with Lillington. It should be held off as long as possible.

Full text:

I object to building on this site as it will reduce the community of Cubbington and its individuality and merge it with Lillington. It should be held off as long as possible.