
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44094

Received: 26/03/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs B & C Shackleton

Representation Summary:

The green belt must be protected to prevent the unrestricted sprawl of Leamington Spa. If not protected, village life as we know it will disappear forever.

Pressure will inevitably arise to extend the development.

The site is prone to flooding, building on this land would worsen this issue.

Roads, already at capacity, are not suitable to support the significant increase in the volume of traffic.

Increased pressure on already struggling local resources.

Catastrophic environmental impact on wildlife and public footpaths.

Full text:

Our objections are as follows:

 The green belt between Lillington and Cubbington must be protected to prevent the unrestricted sprawl of the large built up area of Royal Leamington Spa, it safeguards the countryside from encroachment and maintains the two district communities of Lillington and Cubbington village. If not protected, village life as we know it will disappear forever.

 Pressure will inevitably arise to extend the development to the clearly defined boundary of the Welsh Road and into Green Belt around the site of Thwaites factory.

 The impervious heavy clay subsoil causes the site to be prone to flooding, building on this land would worsen the existing village flooding problem.

 The proposed site access could be from the Offchurch Road between Hill Farm and the public footpath entrance and through the cul-de-sacs off Parklands Avenue, Offchurch Road, Rugby Road, Windmill Hill and the roundabout at the top of hill (where many accidents occur) will be affected and are not suitable to support the significant increase in the volume of traffic from thousands more travelling to and from the village at 'rush hour' morning and evening will cause a great deal of disruption to ALL Cubbington residents. The junction at Windmill Hill is already at full capacity and cannot be widened in any way to alleviate the problems that will be experienced with the voluminous traffic that would no doubt need to use this junction should the planned estate go ahead therefore creating major traffic disruptions to surrounding areas.

 Such a large scale settlement would cause a great deal of pressure on local schools, doctors and other resources, many of which already struggle as they are not allocated sufficient funds to deal with the numbers already populating these areas.

 Imagine the environmental impact on the protected wildlife in these surrounding old fields and the loss of the well used footpaths, this would be catastrophic and we should be doing all we can to protect the wildlife and prevent many species from becoming extinct and dying out!

 We believe to protect this area as much as possible that Warwick District Council should at least consider the six other sites that have been suggested by developers and landowners not only because us and many other residents don't want this development on our doorsteps but also because of the risk of flooding in the area, an issue which has been raised above and we have a relative in the village who has already suffered issues due to heavy rainfall and localised flooding and problems with drains which will only be exacerbated by the new development if this was to go ahead.