
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44072

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Dr Neil Evans

Representation Summary:

Loss of identity for Cubbington.
Inadequate infrastructure to handle additional residents and traffic - including dangers of increased traffic on Offchurch Road/Windmill Hill.
Poor surface water drainage and flood protection.
Loss of extensively used green belt area, including public footpaths, and loss of corresponding wildlife.

Full text:

The proposed development would mean the end of Cubbington Village as a separate identity and lead to Lillington and Cubbington being absorbed into Leamington proper.

It is obvious that the Cubbington side of the development does not have the infrastructure (roads, schools etc) to be able to handle the additional traffic and residents - particularly increasing the dangers of increased traffic on Offchurch Road/Windmill Hill and at the mini-roundabout at the top of Windmill Hill (on Rugby Road). In addition, there would be an even greater burden on current inadequate surface water drainage and flood protection.

The area is green belt and used extensively on a daily basis by residents from Lillington and Cubbington and other walkers making use of the public footpaths. In addition, there would be a severe detrimental effect on current wildlife (including buzzards, badgers, sparrowhawks) inhabiting the area and the associated hedgerows.