
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44115

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mr Stuart Phillips

Representation Summary:

Proposal will cause damage to landscape and environment.
Local walks will be lost.
Extreme flood risk.
Congestion on local streets and roads.
Loss of Cubbington Village Identity.

Full text:

I am a local resident in Cubbington and am extremely concerned at the planned proposal for a number of serious issues that would arise as a direct result of it.

When I moved to the Leamington area I decided to live in Cubbington partly due to the rural feel of the village which was enhanced by the views of the countryside that could be enjoyed from the rear windows of my home. The proposal would remove these views completely and replace it instead with an urban sprawl.

I feel that this would remove the status of Cubbington as a separate village as it would essentially be unidentifiable from nearby Lillington.

The walks enjoyed by local residents such as myself and visitors to the area will be removed and there would be serious damage to wildlife.

In addition to being an area for walking the proposed site currently plays a very important role in reducing flood risks to the areas below it. Even with the land untarnished as it is today there have in the past been significant floods in the village and such occurrences would be more frequent and severe if the land becomes a built up area.

The dramatic increase in local population will also have a detrimental effect on local commutes with congestion rising significantly in the village streets and areas such as the roundabout at the top of Windmill Hill could be subject to even more accidents than occur today.

I believe that the above points should be given serious consideration and the somewhat obvious conclusion reached that an alternative location for the housing is required.