
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44091

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Miss Laura Madden

Representation Summary:

We chose to live in Cubbington for a number of reasons, mainly because of the village feel and the surrounding countryside. This would all be gone if these proposals went ahead.
There are also a number of other factors to consider,
1.The increased risk of flooding in the village.
2.The extra pressure this development would have on the local schools and doctors.
3.Roads would become increasingly busy, the mini roundabout already has a large number of accidents, the extra traffic would could a great deal of distruption to everyone living in Cubbington.
4.The environmental impact on the wildlife and the loss of well used footpaths.

Full text:

We chose to live in Cubbington for a number of reasons, mainly because of the village feel and the surrounding countryside. This would all be gone if these proposals went ahead.
There are also a number of other factors to consider,
1.The increased risk of flooding in the village.
2.The extra pressure this development would have on the local schools and doctors.
3.Roads would become increasingly busy, the mini roundabout already has a large number of accidents, the extra traffic would could a great deal of distruption to everyone living in Cubbington.
4.The environmental impact on the wildlife and the loss of well used footpaths.