
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44114

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: miss caroline tribe

Representation Summary:

Need to keep Cubbington as a village
Beautiful views that we have a right to keep.
huge issues with local drainage and flooding.
Public footpaths.
Congestion from traffic.

Full text:

I strongly object to the proposal to build on Glebe Farm Cubbington. I am a local resident who moved to the area to reside in a village with beautiful views out to the country. The proposed site would take both of these factors away forever. I also moved in 3 years ago in the year that Cubbington suffered from disastrous flooding to many residents. To take away even further necessary land drainage from the local area would only increase the risk of future problems with flooding. On days when we have had only a few hours of rain Windmill hill has water streaming down it - I can only imagine how building on Glebe Farm would negatively affect this further.
Additionally, I love walking in and around the village and weekly use the local public footpaths from the bottom of our road, out onto the Glebe Farm fields and beyond. When visitors come to stay with us we always take them on local walks and they always comment on how wonderful it is to have public footpaths around the village. Again, if these would be lost it would be hugely detremental to the local area,envirnment, residents and visitors. Many people choose to live here because of the walks in the surrounding area and to take these away would be a huge loss. Furthermore, there is already a lot of traffic that uses the road between Offchurch and Cubbington we have had several accidents on the mini roundabout at the top of windmill hill including a serious accident that involved our neighbour. Any building proposals and increase in population would only serve to increase this issue further and create more traffic congestion and problems. I know that if this terrible proposal goes ahead we will be looking to move out of the area, alongside many other local residents, who feel that this would be a terrible loss to the rural feel of Cubbington and would seek to find this elsewhere. We do not want to have to do this and feel that we shouldnt have to disrupt our lives because of this I hope that our objections are taken seriously and any decision that is made about the future of our village and local area is taken with great care and understanding.