
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44087

Received: 22/03/2010

Respondent: Tina Fennelly

Representation Summary:

It is a village. The green belt should be protected, without it village life would be no more and the community will be destroyed.

Green belt land is very precious and this should be protected as far as possible. Pressure will inevitably arise to extend the development.

Current problems with flooding and the soil is not suitable for building development - it can only make the problem worse.

Increase pressure on local amenities.

Massive environmental impact.

It would cause an enormous increase in traffic. These roads are already busy and dangerous and would not cope.

House prices would inevitably suffer.

Full text:

I object to this development for a number of reasons:-

1. I moved to the village in 2003 for exactly that reason - it is a village. The green belt between Lillington and Cubbington should be protected at all costs, it separates the two areas of Lillington and Cubbington and without it village life would be no more. The large built up area of Leamington should not be allowed to encroach on our village and destroy a community that has been established for many, many years.
2. Green belt land is very precious and is part of the reason why Leamington Spa is such an attractive place to live - we are all within a short distance of the countryside and this should be protected as far as possible. Pressure will inevitably arise to extend the development into the green belt area around Thwaites factory. Developments in Sydenham and Warwick Gates have done nothing to make me wish for that near the village in which I live. People who buy these homes have a choice - my choice was to buy a home in a village.
3. Cubbington has well documented problems with flooding and in my opinion the heavy clay soil is not suitable for building a large scale housing development - it can only make the flooding problem worse for the village.
4. This huge development would lead to much pressure on local amenities such as schools, transport, Doctors etc.
5. The environmental impact cannot be stressed enough - there would be a massive impact on local wildlife as well as the loss of many well loved and well used footpaths.
6. The proposed access to the new development could be from Offchurch Road between Hill Farm and the public footpath entrance, and through the cul-de-sacs off Parklands Avenue. Offchurch Road, Rugby Road and Windmill Hill roundabout would be greatly affected by the enormous increase in traffic this development would bring. These roads are already extremely busy during rush hour and there have been numerous accidents at the Windmill Hill roundabout. The infra structure cannot cope with the increase in traffic that building thousands more houses would inevitably lead to. This will cause a great deal of disruption to all residents in Cubbington and Lillington.
7. House prices would inevitably suffer because of the new development - Cubbington would not be such an attractive place to live if it loses some of the surrounding countryside and its great community feeling, as it will if it becomes surrounded by the 'legoland' that is Warwick Gates.