
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44117

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Roy Astles

Representation Summary:

We must protect the greenbelt. Allowing development on Greenbelt before Brownfield seems to fly in the face of the Councils "Green agenda". There are protected species on the site. We would also lose country footpaths.

The development would join Lillington and Cubbington together. This would destroy village life in Cubbington and effect property prices.

Pressure will inevitably rise to extend the development further into the green belt.

The heavy clay soil poses a flooding threat, development would aggravate the problem.

Roads are already busy and accident prone. The added traffic would cause traffic chaos. There would be pressure on schools, doctors, etc.

Full text:

I object for the following reasons:-

1./ We must protect the green belt between Lillington and Cubbington. Environmental issues are supposedly high on the agenda of Warwick District Council as well as on a national level. Allowing development on a Greenfield site sooner than a Brownfield site, seems to fly in the face of the Councils "Green agenda" I also believe that there are protected species on the Glebe farm site including a species of newt. We would also lose the use of country footpaths, which are used for access, as well as leisure activities

2./ The proposed development would effectively join Lillington and Cubbington together. This would destroy village life in Cubbington, change its village status, and have a drastic effect on Cubbington property prices.

3./If this development goes ahead pressure will inevitably rise to extend the development further into the green belt around Thwaites factory and beyond.

4./ The heavy clay soil on the proposed site already poses a flooding threat. Building on this site would aggravate the problem and increase the flooding threat in Cubbington.

5./ The impact on local infrastructure would be huge. The island on the junction of Windmill Hill and the Rugby road is already busy at rush hour times. As a member of the emergency services, I also know it to be a junction which has many accidents. The added weight of traffic, if the development were to proceed, would cause traffic chaos in the area. Also there would be great pressure on schools, doctors, dentists etc.