
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44116

Received: 29/03/2010

Respondent: Jocelyn Stephens

Representation Summary:

Greenbelts should be protected while there are brown sites not fully utilised. It is arable farm land and a habitat for wildlife.

It will cause extra congestion on an already difficult road junction.

Flooding is a major concern and the 2007 problems have not been resolved. The Pitt report cited The Sir Thomas White Trust as being partly responsible and they are now keen to release land for a substantial profitable gain.

The local primary schools are oversubscribed.

The large influx in population will increase the cross town traffic as Leamington's commerce and industry are sited to the south.

Full text:

Green Belt areas should be preserved and protected while there are brown sites not fully utilized like the Fords foundary site or the Althorpe site in the old town. The land is rotated arable farm land and provides a natural habitat for wildlife.
Road access from Parklands will cause serious congestion leading to the Cubbington Road. It is already very difficult to turn right out of the junction at Crown Way on to Cubbington Road. The increase in traffic at peak times would make it near impossible.
Flooding is still a major concern in the 'bowl' of Cubbington village and the problems encountered in 2007 have not been resolved. The proposed area is heavy clay subsoil and the inclement weather we now experience causes surface water to run to the lowest point. The Pitt report cited The Sir Thomas White Trust as being partly responsible as they refused to make land available to Severn Trent to provide a second storage area. The same Charity are now keen to release land for a substantial profitable gain.
The local primary schools are fully/over subscribed and North Leamington Secondary School has only just been built at a cost of £32 K to facilitate the 1450 students. There was no provision made for unanticipated planning when the new school was planned some years ago.
The large influx in population will increase the cross town traffic. The major supermarkets are all to the South of the river and Leamington's commerce and industry are also sited to the south of the town.