
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44090

Received: 26/03/2010

Respondent: Brian Wall

Representation Summary:

Access and Road Infrastructure:
This will introduce serious safety implications due to the narrow residential roads being unsuitable for a major increase in traffic. Lack of routes and employment and services in the south of Leamington would generate substantial volumes of traffic.

Increased Risk of Flooding:
The site regularly experiences flooding due to the clay subsoil and topography of the area. The development is likely to result in serious flooding in future.

Need to Retain the existing Green Belt:
Unrestricted urban expansion will ruin the character of Cubbington village. Many ancient hedgerows would be eliminated, removing the natural habitat for wildlife in the area.

Full text:

Access and Road Infrastructure

The location is totally unsuitable for the substantial number of properties that are being proposed. The only access available for the site will be via the residential roads off Parklands Avenue and Mason Avenue, or via Offchurch Road, Cubbington. This will introduce serious safety implications due to the narrow residential access roads being unsuitable for such a major increase in traffic.

The Parklands Avenue junction with the Cubbington Road and Windmill Hill junction with Rugby Road have experienced serious accidents in recent years and are unsuitable for any increase in traffic. One of the most direct routes from the proposed development to Leamington town centre would be via Leicester Street and other residential roads which are totally unsuitable for any increase in traffic.

There will be no easy access to any of the Midlands' motorways therefore traffic from the development would have no alternative but to access the motorway networks via narrow country lanes or through the town centre of Royal Leamington Spa.

There are minimal employment opportunities to the north of Leamington and all of Leamington's large out-of-town retail stores are situated to the south. Once again this would generate very substantial volumes of traffic, over and above that which would be generated if a development of this size were to be situated in a more suitable location.

Increased Risk of Flooding

The area to the west of Thwaites factory as well as parts of the proposed development site regularly experience flooding due to the nature of the clay subsoil and the fact that the area is within a hollow, having inclines on three sides. Covering the surface soil with hundreds of additional properties and their associated roads, pavements and driveways is likely to result in serious flooding in future, due a combination of the above together with the erratic weather patterns we have experienced in recent years.

Need to Retain the existing Green Belt

Unrestricted urban expansion over such a large area will ruin the character of Cubbington village and transform it into just another suburb of Leamington Spa. Many ancient hedgerows would be eliminated, thereby removing the natural habitat for a diverse variety of wildlife in the area.

The Glebe Farm site is clearly unsuitable for a development of the size being proposed.