
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44086

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Dr Jane Coad

Representation Summary:

As above. Opposed. We are very much opposed to this development and suggest more thought to alternative sites is required.

Full text:

My family object to this for several reasons:
1. The outstanding nature of proposed site - rural, green belt with badgers and 1,000 years of countryside being developed in this way. There are other sites in warks that would be more suitable such as Bagginton - residents there have expressly said they would love a vilalge development
2. This is a high risk flood area and any building would potentially add to that. I would think highly unsuitable for beuilding of this nature.
3. The potential increased traffic and impact on the schools, medical facilities and roads. If there are 2-3,000 houses then there are at least 2,000 cars and children. This is not an ideal site for such a vast housing.
We are very much opposed to this development and suggest more thought is required.