
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44076

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Mr Jonathan Rawlings

Representation Summary:

I object very strongly to the proposed development of Glebe Farm, Cubbington. The loss of open land will have a detrimental effect on a large amount of people and will have a considerable impact on the wildlife in the area. The views over open countryside will be lost to those living in and travelling through the area. The extra traffic will increase congestion, pollution and noise on roads that are already very busy during peak hours. Surface water runoff will potentially increase flooding problems in Cubbington where some of the existing problems have still not been fully dealt with.

Full text:

I object very strongly to the proposed development of Glebe Farm, Cubbington. The loss of open land will have a detrimental effect on a large amount of people and will have a considerable impact on the wildlife in the area. The views over open countryside will be lost to those living in and travelling through the area. The extra traffic will increase congestion, pollution and noise on roads that are already very busy during peak hours. Surface water runoff will potentially increase flooding problems in Cubbington where some of the existing problems have still not been fully dealt with.