Do you support or object to the development of Glebe Farm, Cubbington?

Showing comments and forms 241 to 270 of 903


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44133

Received: 04/04/2010

Respondent: Cllr. Prof Maurice Shutler

Representation Summary:

On the grounds that this development will simply bring profits to developers and do nothing to provide rented homes for those in need of affordable homes, as identified by successive Council surveys

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On the grounds that this development will simply bring profits to developers and do nothing to provide rented homes for those in need of affordable homes, as identified by successive Council surveys


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44141

Received: 04/04/2010

Respondent: Southern Windy Arbour Area Residents' Association

Representation Summary:

Will denigrate significantly the identity of Cubbington by effectively making Lillington and Cubbington one sprawling conurbation.

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Will denigrate significantly the identity of Cubbington by effectively making Lillington and Cubbington one sprawling conurbation.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44147

Received: 07/04/2010

Respondent: Cllr. John Whitehouse

Representation Summary:

Development of this large green belt site would create massive new traffic problems in the area, and risk serious worsening of what are already major problems of flooding causes by surface water run-off. The character of Cubbington Village would be lost if it becomes swallowed up in a further extension of the Leamington conurbation.

Full text:

Development of this large green belt site would create massive new traffic problems in the area, and risk serious worsening of what are already major problems of flooding causes by surface water run-off. The character of Cubbington Village would be lost if it becomes swallowed up in a further extension of the Leamington conurbation.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44156

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: MR Santokh Khera

Representation Summary:

This site is a better alternative to Kings Hill because it has not got a beautiful ancient woodland like Wainbody Wood.

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This site is a better alternative to Kings Hill because it has not got a beautiful ancient woodland like Wainbody Wood.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44158

Received: 07/04/2010

Respondent: Environment Agency

Representation Summary:

The development of this site will require detailed FRA to illustrate how surface water run off will be controlled at green field rates. A holistic drainage design scheme must be developed to demonstrate that there will be no increase in surface water to the adjacent watercourse. As with all the sites SuDS must be utilised and none use fully justified.

Full text:

The development of this site will require detailed FRA to illustrate how surface water run off will be controlled at green field rates. A holistic drainage design scheme must be developed to demonstrate that there will be no increase in surface water to the adjacent watercourse. As with all the sites SuDS must be utilised and none use fully justified.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44164

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mr Alan Beddow

Representation Summary:

The green space maintains the two distinct communities of Lillington and Cubbington.

Pressure will arise to extend the development to the Welsh Road and into the Green Belt.

The site is presents a flood risk.

The road infrastructure is not suitable to support the increase in traffic.

The junctions are already overloaded at peak times with poor safety records.

An increase in traffic congestion as all of the retail and employment opportunities are located south of the river accessed by only four crossings.

Full text:

The green space maintains the two distinct communities of Lillington and Cubbington.

Pressure will arise to extend the development to the Welsh Road and into the Green Belt.

The site is presents a flood risk.

The road infrastructure is not suitable to support the increase in traffic.

The junctions are already overloaded at peak times with poor safety records.

An increase in traffic congestion as all of the retail and employment opportunities are located south of the river accessed by only four crossings.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44172

Received: 07/04/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs R. Laws

Representation Summary:


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Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44176

Received: 07/04/2010

Respondent: Ian Frost

Representation Summary:

This development destroys the barrier between two separate entities, Cubbington and Leamington and would be detrimental to the continuing identity of Cubbington as a distinct and historic community.

Full text:

This development destroys the barrier between two separate entities, Cubbington and Leamington and would be detrimental to the continuing identity of Cubbington as a distinct and historic community.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44183

Received: 07/04/2010

Respondent: Eleanor Plummer

Representation Summary:

I do not support the development of purely greenfield land if re-development is available elsewhere.

Full text:

Sites 1a; 1b; 2: Support.
Site 3: I do not support the development of purely greenfield land if re-development is available elsewhere.
Site 4: If a greenfield site is to be used, this would appear preferable to others due to it location near a major route.
Site 5: I do not support the development of purely greenfield land if re-development is available elsewhere. In particular, this site does not appear to possess an adequate road network to support the level of development proposed. Any improvements to the road network would further disrupt greenfield land.
Site 6: I would support this location for development, so long as guarantees can be made to residents of Baginton village that investment will be made in local amenities to support an influx of new residents.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44189

Received: 07/04/2010

Respondent: Mrs Valerie Smith

Representation Summary:

I have no objection

Full text:

Questionnaitr Response:

Sites 1a; 1b; 3; 4; 5; 6:
I have No Objection.

Site 2:
If this land were to be developed it would have an extremely damaging effect on the area.
1.It is a flood plain and there is a reason for it being so.
2. Sewers around Whitnash already have problems they do not need to be exacerbated.
3. Roads around the area are already extremely busy at key times in the day and any Bank holiday. It is not a viable proposition to support an extra 1000 houses with probably two cars per house and more children to ferry to primary schools out of the area as there are not enough suitable places locally.
4. Golf Lane has reach capacity for traffic coming and going at busy times a new school in the position suggested would mean far more traffic coming down Golf Lane and Fieldgate Lane which could not cope.
5. Because of a lack of places for children to play in this area, Fieldgate Lane at the moment attracts children playing as it is reasonably safe being a no through road. Climbing trees and being kids!! We do need places not continually full of traffic we seem to be creating one big housing development without much relief.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44194

Received: 07/04/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs Doug Potter

Representation Summary:

It is lovely countryside and the farmers are producing what is required for sustainable land. Windmill lane will not take the traffic.
It will cause more damage and heartache by flooding.
How will the schools manage the influx of people? You will cause a slum if you present low cost housing and there are no jobs.
What about the Peugeot plant site? The road system is there and the land is flat for the homes to be built.

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There is no need to build houses on farm lands. At the moment it is lovely countryside and the farmers are producing what is required for sustainable land. The Windmill lane will not take the traffic. Why spend more tax money building more roads? This is not about progress.
Also you will cause more damage and heartache when you cause more flooding by putting down more concrete and clay. Remember the floods in the Cubbington village?
How will the small schools manage the influx of people? You will cause a slum if you present low cost housing and there are no jobs for the residents.
Can you not use the vast open fields where the Peugeot plant used to be? It is near the motorway and easy access to work in Coventry? The road system is there and the land is flat for the homes to be built. This will be more practical and less drain on the taxpayer.
Roads are there.
Motorway is right there
Flat land is there. No need to take farming land
Work will be near, in Coventry.
No need to worry about carbon foot print as the employees are near to places of work.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44198

Received: 07/04/2010

Respondent: Ms Jennifer Drake

Representation Summary:

These proposals go towards addressing the concerns raised about the prime arable land South of Harbury Lane.

The sites distribute development around the Warwick-Kenilworth-Leamington area, integrating into already established communities, with consequently less infrastructure impact. Nor are any of the proposed alternatives (so far as I am aware) prone to flooding in the way that Harbury Lane South is.

Wherever possible you look to develop brownfield land first. I realise that this requires more effort, but the social benefits are correspondingly greater. Derelict eyesore sites are improved and become productive and agricultural land can continue in its prime purpose.

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Having attended various meetings on the core strategy last year, I wanted to thank you for coming up with the alternative sites. These proposals go a long way towards addressing the very real concerns that so many of us raised about the prime arable land South of Harbury Lane.

The alternative sites distribute the housing around the Warwick-Kenilworth-Leamington area, integrating it into already established communities, with consequently less infrastructure impact. Nor are any of the proposed alternatives (so far as I am aware) prone to flooding in the way that the Harbury Lane South site is.

My final request would be that wherever possible you look to develop brownfield land first. I realise that this requires more effort in terms of ground clearance and decontamination prior to use, but the social benefits are correspondingly greater. Derelict eyesore sites are improved and brought back into productive use and agricultural land can continue in its prime purpose of feeding people with trusted locally-sourced products.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44203

Received: 07/04/2010

Respondent: Mr W McMaster

Representation Summary:

Since a drainage system was installed by Severn Trent we have had continual problems with excess water during rainy periods causing damage to my house. I feel that any further development to the land, due to the soil, would increase the risks of flooding.

The green belt should be retained whilst there are other non designated green belt sites suitable for development.

The roads are not suitable to support the significant increase in traffic.

The proposed development will affect the quiet location and picturesque views and could also possibly devalue our property.

Full text:

* My home is situated at the top of Oakridge Road adjacent to the fields which are a potential site for housing development. Since a drainage system was installed by Severn Trent Water we have had continual problems with excess water flowing from the fields during rainy periods causing damage to my house. We have spent large sums money installing a drainage system around my property in order to correct this problem. I feel that any further development to the land, due to the impervious heavy clay sub soil, would increase the risks of flooding to not only to Oakridge Road but also Leighton Close, Parklands Avenue and many other roads in the area.
* The protection given by the existing green belt should be retained whilst there are other non designated green belt sites which are suitable for development in the district.
* The site would be accessed through the various closes off Parklands Avenue and these roads are not suitable to support the significant increase in traffic that would be generated by any large scale development of the site.
* What attracted us to the area and purchasing this property 24 years ago was the quiet location and picturesque views. We were assured that the land would not be built on due to its green belt status. The proposed development will not only affect this but would also possibly devalue our property.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44207

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Cllr Bill Gifford

Representation Summary:

I would like to register my objection to Alternative Option for the Glebe Farm area. I fully support Royal Leamington Spa Town Council's objection to the filling in of this vital area of countryside that is all the now divides Leamington Spa from Cubbington.

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I would like to register my objection to Alternative Option for the Glebe Farm area. I fully support Royal Leamington Spa Town Council's objection to the filling in of this vital area of countryside that is all the now divides Leamington Spa from Cubbington.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44208

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: G M Dibb

Representation Summary:

I would like to register my objection to the above on the grounds of the additional 2/3000 vehicles converging onto an already overcrowded Cubbington Road aswell as the severe flooding risk associated with this venture.

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I would like to register my objection to the above on the grounds of the additional 2/3000 vehicles converging onto an already overcrowded Cubbington Road aswell as the severe flooding risk associated with this venture.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44211

Received: 17/03/2010

Respondent: Mrs Catherine Eastaff

Representation Summary:

Village life should be protected at all costs. Cubbington will lose its identity completely.

There would be an enormous pressure put upon local schools/ doctors/ services, which puts local people at a disadvantage.

Green belt land should be preserved and never considered as a potential site for housing development.

Increased traffic will cause considerable disruption to local road networks.

We need to preserve our wildlife and our access to our rural locality.

We moved to Cubbington because it was a rural village, and feel strongly that this proposed development should take place on this site.

Full text:

Village life should be protected at all costs. Cubbington will lose its identity completely.

There would be an enormous pressure put upon local schools/ doctors/ services, which puts local people at a disadvantage.

Green belt land should be preserved and never considered as a potential site for housing development.

Increased traffic will cause considerable disruption to local road networks.

We need to preserve our wildlife and our access to our rural locality.

We moved to Cubbington because it was a rural village, and feel strongly that this proposed development should take place on this site.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44214

Received: 17/03/2010

Respondent: Esther Wadsworth

Representation Summary:

There does not need to be such a huge development in this area. Perhaps a smaller area can be considered e.g. just behind Eden Court and/or Cubbington Sports and Social Club. Nothing too drastic.

Full text:

There does not need to be such a huge development in this area. Perhaps a smaller area can be considered e.g. just behind Eden Court and/or Cubbington Sports and Social Club. Nothing too drastic.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44216

Received: 15/03/2010

Respondent: Cubbington Parish Council

Representation Summary:

Loss of identity of the village of Cubbington, first mentioned in the Doomsday Book.

Inadequate surface water drainage and sewer facilities and until provision for flooding is put in place the village cannot entertain more houses to exacerbate the issue.

The present infrastructure is unsuitable to support such a large building programme.

Lack of school places.

Effects on public rights of way.

Effects on wildlife.

It is green belt land.

Full text:

Loss of identity of the village of Cubbington, first mentioned in the Doomsday Book.

Inadequate surface water drainage and sewer facilities and until provision for flooding is put in place the village cannot entertain more houses to exacerbate the issue.

The present infrastructure is unsuitable to support such a large building programme.

Lack of school places.

Effects on public rights of way.

Effects on wildlife.

It is green belt land.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44218

Received: 17/03/2010

Respondent: Andrea Quartermaine

Representation Summary:

I have children who did and do attend Cubbington School. I was brought up in Cubbington (since the age of 6) and I want my children to be brought up in Cubbington VILLAGE. My family were also the victims of the flooding in June 2007 and we had to move out for 6 months. The prospect of more houses in Cubbington being built makes me very concerned, should we have another heavy rainfall again. Why should I and my children worry every time it rains. It's bad enough now! And that's without more houses being built.

Full text:

I have children who did and do attend Cubbington School. I was brought up in Cubbington (since the age of 6) and I want my children to be brought up in Cubbington VILLAGE. My family were also the victims of the flooding in June 2007 and we had to move out for 6 months. The prospect of more houses in Cubbington being built makes me very concerned, should we have another heavy rainfall again. Why should I and my children worry every time it rains. It's bad enough now! And that's without more houses being built.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44219

Received: 12/04/2010

Respondent: Ann Higham

Representation Summary:

Cubbington is subject to flooding and until the problem is sorted and no further building should take place. Cubbington would lose its identity as a village and all that goes with it. School shortage would be a problem, also traffic, local wildlife and the green belt would no longer exist.

Full text:

Cubbington is subject to flooding and until the problem is sorted and no further building should take place. Cubbington would lose its identity as a village and all that goes with it. School shortage would be a problem, also traffic, local wildlife and the green belt would no longer exist.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44221

Received: 15/03/2010

Respondent: Miss & Mr N Lovell & S Dunne

Representation Summary:

Cubbington will lose its identity as a village

Drains and sewers cannot cope with existing housing requirements and Cubbington has an ongoing problem with flooding.

We already experience congestion and accidents on the local roads. I am greatly concerned about the safety of school children.

We do not have the necessary infrastructure for extra housing.

There would be a huge impact on the local wildlife.

We are actively encouraged to improve our lifestyles. I can't think of a better way than country walks. If this development was to go ahead we would lose this wonderful recreation.

Full text:

Cubbington will lose its identity as a village

Drains and sewers cannot cope with existing housing requirements and Cubbington has an ongoing problem with flooding. Additional housing will only add to this existing problem and create more flooding and misery to the village.

Increased traffic on all local routes. We already experience traffic queuing on the Rugby Road and Windmill Hill at peak times and there are frequent accidents at the mini roundabout at this junction. O am greatly concerned about the safety of school children from Our Lady and St Teresa's who leave the school premises onto Windmill Hill which would have a much greater traffic flow should this development go ahead.

We do not have the necessary infrastructure for extra housing as the schools are full and there is only one GP surgery in the area.

There would be a huge impact on the local wildlife. The fields have a number of badger sets as well as a variety of wildlife which is not essential to our area and we should be conserving not destroying.

We are actively encouraged to exercise more and improve our lifestyles. I can't think of a better way than country walks local to our homes. If this development was to go ahead we would lose this wonderful recreation we regularly frequent.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44222

Received: 16/03/2010

Respondent: Stella Storer

Representation Summary:

We have still not had any redress for the severe flooding in the lower part of the village in June 2007. Until such a time as a viable alleviation scheme is approved - any concreting over of natural drainage would be a disaster waiting to happen. It is hoped that the Severn Trent Water will scratch this audacious place at source as the waste from up to 1000 houses pouring into Cubbington's already overloaded sewage system is not worth thinking about.

Full text:

We have still not had any redress for the severe flooding in the lower part of the village in June 2007. Until such a time as a viable alleviation scheme is approved - any concreting over of natural drainage would be a disaster waiting to happen. It is hoped that the Severn Trent Water will scratch this audacious place at source as the waste from up to 1000 houses pouring into Cubbington's already overloaded sewage system is not worth thinking about.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44223

Received: 16/03/2010

Respondent: Malcolm Storer

Representation Summary:

In June 2007 the lower part of Cubbington suffered severe flooding, necessitating the evacuation of 48 properties for periods of up to 10 months. The concreting over of another part of the natural drainage will only bring the probability of a repeat ever closer.

Developers tripping into Cubbington's antiquated sewage system with the wasters of up to 1000 houses will cause an inevitable overload and probable collapse of the system

Full text:

In June 2007 the lower part of Cubbington suffered severe flooding, necessitating the evacuation of 48 properties for periods of up to 10 months. The concreting over of another part of the natural drainage will only bring the probability of a repeat ever closer.

Developers tripping into Cubbington's antiquated sewage system with the wasters of up to 1000 houses will cause an inevitable overload and probable collapse of the system


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44224

Received: 16/03/2010

Respondent: Mr G E Higham

Representation Summary:

We are still waiting for a flood alleviation scheme.

No more development until existing drains are sorted out and surface water under control. Previous developments have been passed without the consideration of drainage situation and ditch maintenance.

Full text:

We are still waiting for a flood alleviation scheme.

No more development until existing drains are sorted out and surface water under control. Previous developments have been passed without the consideration of drainage situation and ditch maintenance.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44225

Received: 16/03/2010

Respondent: Kenneth Holder

Representation Summary:

Without large scale improvement to the sewers and water drainage system any further development to this area would be disastrous for Cubbington.

Full text:

Without large scale improvement to the sewers and water drainage system any further development to this area would be disastrous for Cubbington.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44226

Received: 16/03/2010

Respondent: Leonard Taylor

Representation Summary:

I object most strongly as such a development will result in a massive increase in traffic around the top of the Kenilworth Road and consequently create an accident black spot. Also the individual charm of Cubbington Village will be destroyed as it will be submerged.

Full text:

I object most strongly as such a development will result in a massive increase in traffic around the top of the Kenilworth Road and consequently create an accident black spot. Also the individual charm of Cubbington Village will be destroyed as it will be submerged.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44227

Received: 16/03/2010

Respondent: Mrs E Megeney

Representation Summary:

As a New Street resident of Cubbington I have suffered mental and physical stress during the 2007 floods. It fills me with fear that nothing has been done to alleviate any future flooding. The village is unable to cope with the present flood water let alone adding to it with any future development.

Full text:

As a New Street resident of Cubbington I have suffered mental and physical stress during the 2007 floods. It fills me with fear that nothing has been done to alleviate any future flooding. The village is unable to cope with the present flood water let alone adding to it with any future development.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44228

Received: 16/03/2010

Respondent: Mr P Megeney

Representation Summary:

Having suffered the despair that the floods of 2007 brought to New Street and surrounding areas of Cubbington, I find it completely unbelievable that future development is planned, which can only make the problem worse. Nothing has been done to eliminate or alleviate future flooding. Having personally seen the devastation of my own home, car and personal possessions; the fear of a repeat scenario in the future fills me with dread.

Full text:

Having suffered the despair that the floods of 2007 brought to New Street and surrounding areas of Cubbington, I find it completely unbelievable that future development is planned, which can only make the problem worse. Nothing has been done to eliminate or alleviate future flooding. Having personally seen the devastation of my own home, car and personal possessions; the fear of a repeat scenario in the future fills me with dread.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44229

Received: 16/03/2010

Respondent: Mrs B J Rennel

Representation Summary:

If this development goes ahead it will mean Cubbington will no longer be a village, it will become another urban sprawl like Whitnash. Cubbington still has a heart where people care about each other. I used to live in Whitnash and it no longer has that feel, people become numbers. Let's keep villages as villages.

Full text:

If this development goes ahead it will mean Cubbington will no longer be a village, it will become another urban sprawl like Whitnash. Cubbington still has a heart where people care about each other. I used to live in Whitnash and it no longer has that feel, people become numbers. Let's keep villages as villages.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44230

Received: 16/03/2010

Respondent: M J Sanders

Representation Summary:

Cheviot Rise is not suitable for opening up to become a very busy street.

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Cheviot Rise is not suitable for opening up to become a very busy street.