
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44079

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Miss Nicola Palmer

Representation Summary:

- access routes unable to cope with traffic
- local junctions dangerously congested
- unsustainable traffic increase accross town and through Cubbington and Offchurch
- fertile farmland must retain its green belt status
- flooding problems would be aggravated
- Lillington and Cubbington must be preserved as communities independent of the town sprawl
- habitats would be destroyed, rich wildlife on this site would be lost
- public footpaths would be lost

Full text:

The closes off Parklands Avenue are extremely narrow and certainly could not cope with any additional traffic.

Local junctions are already overloaded with traffic, particularly at peak times, with frequent accidents occurring at Telford/Parklands Avenue junction and the Windmill Hill/Rugby Road roundabout.

Cross town traffic congestion would increase as major retail outlets and employers are located south of the river. Cubbington and Offchurch could not accommodate an increase in commuters accessing the Fosse.

This fertile farmland should retain its green belt status since there will be a shortage of arable land for future food production. Alternative brown field sites could be developed.

This site and much of its surrounding area suffer from flooding which will be aggravated by the addition of non-porous surfaces. The drainage in Cubbington Village is already inadequate.

Lillington and Cubbington Village should be preserved as independent communities and not merged with town centre. This green space embodies the boundary between the town and its rural communities.

The site is rich in wildlife including many badger setts and muntjac deer. If developed, their habitats would be lost and the wide range of birds, including woodpeckers and jays, would disappear from this site.

Well-used and appreciated public footpaths would be lost.