
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44085

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Claire McCrone

Representation Summary:

We are concerned about the potential loss of community, and village identity.
We are concerned about the impact this development could have on our children growing up within the village, their schools and amenities.
We are concerned about the additional traffic that would be generated by such a large development.
We are concerned about the loss of the rural surroundings, especially local footpaths and wildlife.
We are concerned about increased risk of flooding.

Full text:

We are concerned about the potential loss of community, and village identity.
We are concerned about the impact this development could have on our children growing up within the village, their schools and amenities.
We are concerned about the additional traffic that would be generated by such a large development.
We are concerned about the loss of the rural surroundings, especially local footpaths and wildlife.
We are concerned about increased risk of flooding.