
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44071

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Mrs Tamsin Smyth

Representation Summary:

See above, just over 100 words we object to this plot for reasons of infrastucture, unacceptable traffic increases and flood risk from surface water run off.

Full text:

We are extremely concerned about this proposed plot for development for the following reasons.

Firstly it would represent an unacceptable increase in traffic to the Parklands Road area. Additionally the existing infrastructure (including supermarkets) and road network could not possibly support the level of development proposed, access to the M40 motorway is not straightforward from this side of town.

Losing this green belt area would result in urban sprawl that the area should not support when other areas presented simply don't have the same negative implications.

The water runoff down Oakridge Road already threatens houses on Parklands Avenue (as seen in June 2007) and introducing more development will simply increase this risk.

It is our belief that this area cannot accept this development and we hope that the sense of the council prevails!