
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44070

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Miss Heather McEntee

Representation Summary:

Destroys village feel of Cubbington.
Traffic problems, especially at Windmill Hill
Flood Risk on the site and in the village
Traffic problems worsened when Welsh Road floods to be impassable.
Loss of rural footpaths for leisure use

Full text:

If such a large area between Cubbington and Lillington is built upon, Cubbington will be swallowed up into Leamington and will lose the village feeling and identity that makes it such a great place to live.
I have concerns about the extra traffic the site will produce and how much of it will be heading into a bottle neck at the Rugby Road with Windmill Hill, creating chaos in the village.
The existing flooding issues around Cubbington are well known and still ongoing, how are further problems to be guarded against?
Traffic problems will be exacerbated by the flooding that frequently cuts off Welsh Road at the river crossing.
Also, I am a frequent leisure user of the footpaths across that land, which will no longer be possible; even if they continue to exist they will be purely functional and thoroughly urbanised.