Do you support or object to the development of Glebe Farm, Cubbington?

Showing comments and forms 481 to 510 of 903


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44680

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: mr rodger jackson

Representation Summary:

Cubbington could not cope with the inevitable increase in traffic up Windmill Hill. The problem we used to have Royal Show week would pale into insignificance. The children at the Catholic school would be at considerable risk morning and afternoon. I doubt whether the local schools, doctors surgery or the local shops could withstand the extra pressure. The problem of flooding in the village would be exacerbated if the proposed area was built upon. The Greeb belt was not just the whim of some local councillor it was designed to preserve the countryside for generations to come and if we loose it now under our guardianship future generations will suffer. The countryside gives a lot of pleasure to many people using the well used footpaths and the wildlife would suffer such as the badgers which are a protected species.

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Cubbington could not cope with the inevitable increase in traffic up Windmill Hill. The problem we used to have Royal Show week would pale into insignificance. The children at the Catholic school would be at considerable risk morning and afternoon. I doubt whether the local schools, doctors surgery or the local shops could withstand the extra pressure. The problem of flooding in the village would be exacerbated if the proposed area was built upon. The Greeb belt was not just the whim of some local councillor it was designed to preserve the countryside for generations to come and if we loose it now under our guardianship future generations will suffer. The countryside gives a lot of pleasure to many people using the well used footpaths and the wildlife would suffer such as the badgers which are a protected species.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44681

Received: 07/05/2010

Respondent: Ted & Joan Clark

Representation Summary:

Problem of surface water/ piped water/sewage from 1800 dwellings.
Small gardens - this must be taken in conjunction with the present dangerous situation at the bottom of the village.
Effect on the present road system does not bear thinking about, particularly at the top of Windmill Hill and the junction of Parklands and Cubbington Road.
Pressure on the three schools from many hundreds of new, extra pupils would be quite impossible. There is no intention of building a new school or two among these new houses.

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This proposal is not good.
First, there is the problem of surface water let alone piped water and sewage from 1800 dwellings, all of which will have very small gardens (gone are the expansive 50's with 100' gardens); this must be taken in conjunction with the present dangerous situation at the bottom of the village.
Secondly, the effect on the present road system does not bear thinking about, particularly at the top of Windmill Hill and the junction of Parklands and Cubbington Road.
Thirdly, the pressure on the three schools from many hundreds of new, extra pupils would be quite impossible. There is no intention of building a new school or two among these new houses.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44682

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mrs R E Magee

Representation Summary:

My property stands on the part of Cubbington actually abutting this proposed development, the short stretch of road presumably being earmarked for entrance / exit purposes. Flooding problems here from surface water are very well documented. The whole development goes against the Council's own green belt policy.

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My property stands on the part of Cubbington actually abutting this proposed development, the short stretch of road presumably being earmarked for entrance / exit purposes. Flooding problems here from surface water are very well documented. The whole development goes against the Council's own green belt policy.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44683

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mr Derek William Miles

Representation Summary:

Being a retired parish council member i am very much aware of the flooding that takes place from time to time. This has been going on since the area of newer building surrounding the old village was built. In many many years this flooding has never been completely cured and the problem will be even more severe if the project goes ahead. Green belt land should be guarded at all costs and retained for food production. Covering this large area with solid materials will have a disasterous effect on water drainage. The countryside must be protected for future generations to enjoy and not be covered with building conurbations. This has everything to do with immigration which over recent years has got totally out of control. This problem should be addressed first.

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Being a retired parish council member i am very much aware of the flooding that takes place from time to time. This has been going on since the area of newer building surrounding the old village was built. In many many years this flooding has never been completely cured and the problem will be even more severe if the project goes ahead. Green belt land should be guarded at all costs and retained for food production. Covering this large area with solid materials will have a disasterous effect on water drainage. The countryside must be protected for future generations to enjoy and not be covered with building conurbations. This has everything to do with immigration which over recent years has got totally out of control. This problem should be addressed first.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44684

Received: 07/05/2010

Respondent: Dr R A Blackburn

Representation Summary:

Concerned about development of green belt.
Offchurch Road already congested at peak times, it is narrow with sharp and dangerous bends. Further access from new build would cause even more traffic congestion
More important factor is danger of very serious flooding .Caused a great deal of damage and distress three years ago If fields are developed more surface water would run into the bottom end of the village with inevitable severe consequences.
Proposed access at the junction with Offcurch Road and Queen Street would necessitate the destruction of wooded copse which includes oak tree which is suggested for TPO

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I am concerned about the development of this area of green belt. The Offchurch Road is already congested at peak times, it is narrow with sharp and dangerous bends. Further access from proposed new build would cause even more traffic congestion at the Cubbington Road/Rugby Road intersection which is already a source of many road traffic accidents. The other and perhaps, more important factor against the proposal is the very real danger of very serious flooding due to pluvial run off! This caused a great deal of damage and distress three years ago with water coming off the village side of the Offchurch Road. If the field opposite are developed a great deal more surface water would run into the bottom end of the village with inevitable severe consequences.
Proposed access at the junction with Offcurch Road and Queen Street would necessitate the destruction of the wooded copse in that corner, which includes a magnificent oak tree of over a 100 years old and upon which I suggest a Tree Preservation Order be placed.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44685

Received: 22/03/2010

Respondent: Mrs J M Tandy

Representation Summary:

Object to the development of Glebe Farm because nothing has been done to aleviate the flood situation in Cubbington and to consider building more houses on that land with the lay as it is is ridiculous.
This is Green Belt land and development of the land will lead to the coalescence of Cubbington and Lillington and Leamington.
Cubbington village is beautiful and should be preserved for future generations to enjoy.

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Object to the development of Glebe Farm because nothing has been done to aleviate the flood situation in Cubbington and to consider building more houses on that land with the lay as it is is ridiculous.
This is Green Belt land and development of the land will lead to the coalescence of Cubbington and Lillington and Leamington.
Cubbington village is beautiful and should be preserved for future generations to enjoy.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44686

Received: 22/03/2010

Respondent: Mrs Meryl Nunn

Representation Summary:

Object strongly to development at Glebe Farm which will worsen the already heavy traffic on Kenilworth Road.
Footpaths and bridleways will be lost and wildlife will suffer. The village hasflood problems now and this will become much worse.

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Object strongly to development at Glebe Farm which will worsen the already heavy traffic on Kenilworth Road.
Footpaths and bridleways will be lost and wildlife will suffer. The village hasflood problems now and this will become much worse.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44687

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Vera Joan Miles

Representation Summary:

Do not destroy green belt

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Do not destroy green belt


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44688

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: D Collins

Representation Summary:

I object in the strongest possible terms to the proposed development. The area is already prone to flooding and this will be worsened by the development. It will join Cubbington and surrounding district to Lillington and ensure a desegregation in the local social and economic fabric if social housing is included. The local vehicular access is already strained and most certainly this will make matters worse.

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I object in the strongest possible terms to the proposed development. The area is already prone to flooding and this will be worsened by the development. It will join Cubbington and surrounding district to Lillington and ensure a desegregation in the local social and economic fabric if social housing is included. The local vehicular access is already strained and most certainly this will make matters worse.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44689

Received: 22/03/2010

Respondent: Ann and Philip Robinson

Representation Summary:

Building on this land would worsen the flooding situation because the ground cannot hold the water as it is.
Traffic already clogs up Cubbington Road and the road system could not sustain heavier traffic.
The schools are not adequate for an influx of more children.
Cubbington would lose its village identity. Small communities should be preserved so that people have a choice about whether they want to live in small communities (villages) or large communities (Leamington).
Applications were turned down last year and should be turned down again.

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We live off Parlands Avenue and our garden is prone to flooding in wet weather. Building on this land would worsen the situation because the ground cannot hold the water as it is.
Traffic already clogs up Cubbington Road and the road system could not sustain heavier traffic.
The schools are not adequate for an influx of more children.
Cubbington would lose its village identity. Small communities should be preserved so that people have a choice about whether they want to live in small communities (villages) or large communities (Leamington).
Applications were turned down last year and should be turned down again.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44690

Received: 22/03/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs D Robbens

Representation Summary:

We were flooded out in 2007 and are still waiting for the problem to be addressed. The stress this has caused us is unmeasurable.
More houses will only add to this very severe problem.

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We were flooded out in 2007 and are still waiting for the problem to be addressed. The stress this has caused us is unmeasurable.
More houses will only add to this very severe problem.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44691

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mr and Mrs Dierozynski

Representation Summary:

The clay composition of the soil and the vast amount of hard landscaping would add to the already existing flood problem in the village. The roads of Cubbington were not designed to take the volume of traffic that would occur with such a development. The loss of wildlife that has grown and being encouraged by the villagers would be lost. Also the green belt is a valuable aspect of country life.

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The clay composition of the soil and the vast amount of hard landscaping would add to the already existing flood problem in the village. The roads of Cubbington were not designed to take the volume of traffic that would occur with such a development. The loss of wildlife that has grown and being encouraged by the villagers would be lost. Also the green belt is a valuable aspect of country life.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44692

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mr Martin Chivers

Representation Summary:


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Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44693

Received: 07/05/2010

Respondent: Mrs Kathleen Johnson

Representation Summary:

Unoccupied houses should be brought up to standard and occupied before development of farmland.
Joining up existing villages village life would be eroded.
Wildlife would be unfavourably affected.
Young families want a home in village. not on estate on outskirts of Leamington
Following wet weather water runs off fields near to proposed exit. If site has impervious surfaces flood problems increase.
Roads barely adequate and would be unable to cope with traffic. Exiting proposed site via cul-de-sacs into Parkland Avenue would be unfeasible
Inadequate land available to enlarge roundabout at Windmill Hill. All other possible 'escape routes' from this site would be unworkable.

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The numerous properties currently unoccupied in Leamington Spa and the surrounding area should be brought up to standard and occupied to capacity before considering any further development of farm land, be it actively farmed, as is the case with Glebe farm or otherwise. This is a matter of common sense, regardless of government policy and should be addressed first and foremost.
In the case of selecting Glebe farm as a possible area for development on this scale, once again common sense has not been applied to the choice of site. For many reasons, Glebe farm is eminently unsuitable but I consider the following to be of greatest importance:
By joining up the existing villages of Cubbington and Lillington, as this development would do, village life as we know it would be totally eroded. Wildlife including (protected) badgers, newts, flora etc would be unfavourably affected.
To say that the new housing would provide homes for Cubbington young families who at present cannot afford to live in the villlage and have to move elsewhere is not a valid argument as they want a home in the village of Cubbington. Young families, my own children included, have no wish to live on an estate on the outskirts of Leamington which is what this development would be.
As I write following the snow and wet weather, there are numerous 'springs' rising up from the ground adjacent to the footpath that i regularly walk across this land. This water runs off the fields and across the Offchurch Road near to the proposed exit junction. If this land was to be developed can the authorities govern the future weather conditions and rainfall? I doubt it!! Yet another instance where common sense has not prevailed. Run off from the heavy clay soil occurs on each boundary of this site. Should any of this site be covered by impervious surfaces the flood problems of Cubbington village will be increased and will inevitably spread to a wider area whatever so called precautions are put in place by the developers.
Traffic and safety aspects of the area have obviously been overlooked when contemplating development of Glebe farm. Have any of the planning team, driven round Cubbington village at school start or finish time? The roads are barely adequate at present and would be totally unable to cope with any additional traffic. Exiting the proposed site via the cul-de-sacs into Parkland Avenue would be unfeasible due to the narrow residential roads it is suggested are used.
There is inadequate land available to enlarge the roundabout at the top of Windmill Hill and it is already a site of too many traffic accidents. All other possible 'escape routes' from this site would be unworkable and unable to take additional traffic at peak times


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44694

Received: 07/05/2010

Respondent: Mr Frederick Charles Reynolds

Representation Summary:

1. Green Belt land should not be built on.
2. The land is farmland and if developed will be lost to food production and lead to loss of farmworkers' jobs.
3. There will be loss of wildlife - badgers, which are protected, and foxes - and their natural environment.
4. Development will lead to more noise and traffic and loss of country views.
5. Council should look at other sites, such as Campion Hills (where they have the funfairs) and land at the end of Parklands Avenue, and vacant buildings and sites.

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1. Green Belt land should not be built on.
2. The land is farmland and if developed will be lost to food production and lead to loss of farmworkers' jobs.
3. There will be loss of wildlife - badgers, which are protected, and foxes. Also all other wildlife and their environment which we should be protecting.
4. Development will lead to more noise and traffic and loss of country views.
5. There are alternative places that can be developed, including empty buildings and sites for offices - a use which no one wants. Council should look at other sites such as Campion Hills (where they have the funfairs) and land at the end of Parklands Avenue.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44695

Received: 07/05/2010

Respondent: Christopher Tyler

Representation Summary:

Increased risk of flooding to existing property flooding already a problem, we were flooded in 2007.
Increased traffic on rural roads
Loss of village status

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Increased risk of flooding to existing property flooding already a problem, we were flooded in 2007.
Increased traffic on rural roads
Loss of village status


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44696

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: David Saul

Representation Summary:

Flooding from clay sub structure adding to current flooding problems in south area of village. Roads / highways will not be able to cope with increased volume of traffic. It is green belt land. Will result in a loss of identity for Cubbington village.

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Flooding from clay sub structure adding to current flooding problems in south area of village. Roads / highways will not be able to cope with increased volume of traffic. It is green belt land. Will result in a loss of identity for Cubbington village.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44697

Received: 07/05/2010

Respondent: F D Reaves

Representation Summary:

I object!
The proposed development is too large and should not connect with Cubbington at all! Ask yourselves about the inadequate road structure

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I object!
The proposed development is too large and should not connect with Cubbington at all! Ask yourselves about the inadequate road structure


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44698

Received: 07/05/2010

Respondent: Douglas R Bicknell

Representation Summary:

Loss of good agricultural land
Increased risk of flooding and traffic chaos
The lower end of town could be developed Bath Street, Brunswick and the High Street area, for residential purposes. Also the old Fords Foundary site

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Loss of good agricultural land
Increased risk of flooding and traffic chaos
The lower end of town could be developed Bath Street, Brunswick and the High Street area, for residential purposes. Also the old Fords Foundary site


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44699

Received: 07/05/2010

Respondent: ? ?

Representation Summary:

Cubbington must remain a village.
Agree with circulated list of objections

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Cubbington must remain a village.
Agree with circulated list of objections


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44700

Received: 22/03/2010

Respondent: Ms Allyson Strong

Representation Summary:

We need to protect Green Belt land from development while there are other non-designated Green Belt sites available within the District.
The development would inevitably cause an increase in traffic around and in Parklands Avenue both while building was being carried out and when completed.
The junction between Telford Avenue, Parklands Avenue and Cubbington Road already has problems at peak times. Increased traffic would exacerbate these problems.
As this site is prone to flooding, development would cause an increase with ever more properties being at risk.

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We need to protect Green Belt land from development while there are other non-designated Green Belt sites available within the District.
The development would inevitably cause an increase in traffic around and in Parklands Avenue both while building was being carried out and when completed.
The junction between Telford Avenue, Parklands Avenue and Cubbington Road already has problems at peak times. Increased traffic would exacerbate these problems.
As this site is prone to flooding, development would cause an increase with ever more properties being at risk.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44701

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Miss D Haywood

Representation Summary:

I object to the development of Glebe Farm because:
The small narrow country roads in and around Cubbington will not be able to cope with the vast increase in traffic from the new development. In particular the road from Offchurch through to the small island at the top of Windmill Hill which is a particular accident black spot.
It will exacerbate the existing flooding problems in Cubbington which have not yet been resolved.
There are numerous brownfield sites that should be considered in the area rather than destroying green belt e.g. Peugeot Plant at Ryton, the Ford Foundry and Coventry Airport. It will overwhelm existing infrastructure such as schools, roads, shops, sewers, doctors, jobs etc.
The village character of Cubbington will be destroyed forever. The destruction of greenbelt will have a huge impact on local wildlife and flora.

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I object to the development of Glebe Farm because:
The small narrow country roads in and around Cubbington will not be able to cope with the vast increase in traffic from the new development. In particular the road from Offchurch through to the small island at the top of Windmill Hill which is a particular accident black spot.
It will exacerbate the existing flooding problems in Cubbington which have not yet been resolved.
There are numerous brownfield sites that should be considered in the area rather than destroying green belt e.g. Peugeot Plant at Ryton, the Ford Foundry and Coventry Airport. It will overwhelm existing infrastructure such as schools, roads, shops, sewers, doctors, jobs etc.
The village character of Cubbington will be destroyed forever. The destruction of greenbelt will have a huge impact on local wildlife and flora.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44702

Received: 07/05/2010

Respondent: Mr Carl Hinks

Representation Summary:

I object to this proposed development of Glebe Farm on the grounds that it would ruin village peaceful life, create traffic problems, throughout the surrounding area and increase parking problems to local stores and also in Leamington town centre. It would also increase flooding problems we have already encountered in the village. So a definite no to the proposal

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I object to this proposed development of Glebe Farm on the grounds that it would ruin village peaceful life, create traffic problems, throughout the surrounding area and increase parking problems to local stores and also in Leamington town centre. It would also increase flooding problems we have already encountered in the village. So a definite no to the proposal


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44703

Received: 07/05/2010

Respondent: ? ? Bishop

Representation Summary:

If these houses are built it will destroy village life as we know it at present. Cubbington is a lovely place to live for all ages

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If these houses are built it will destroy village life as we know it at present. Cubbington is a lovely place to live for all ages


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44704

Received: 07/05/2010

Respondent: Mr F J French

Representation Summary:

Flooding in the village is a big concern. The road layout on Offchurch Road and Rugby Road island would not cope with any increase in traffic

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Flooding in the village is a big concern. The road layout on Offchurch Road and Rugby Road island would not cope with any increase in traffic


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44705

Received: 07/05/2010

Respondent: Bernard Walter Plank

Representation Summary:

Save the green belt
Preserve the countryside

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Save the green belt
Preserve the countryside


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44706

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mr J Fudger

Representation Summary:

I object to the development of Glebe Farm because it will exacerbate the existing flooding problems in Cubbington which have yet to be resolved. It will vastly increase traffic volumes onto the already congested roads in Cubbington - particularly Windmill Hill and the junction with Rugby Road which is an accident black spot with several accidents every year. It will erode the green belt and destroy the unique village character of Cubbington. It will overwhelm the existing infrastructure, schools, shops, doctors, roads, sewers and jobs. It makes no sense to build on productive farmland when there are so many brownfield sites in the area such as Coventry Airport.

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I object to the development of Glebe Farm because it will exacerbate the existing flooding problems in Cubbington which have yet to be resolved. It will vastly increase traffic volumes onto the already congested roads in Cubbington - particularly Windmill Hill and the junction with Rugby Road which is an accident black spot with several accidents every year. It will erode the green belt and destroy the unique village character of Cubbington. It will overwhelm the existing infrastructure, schools, shops, doctors, roads, sewers and jobs. It makes no sense to build on productive farmland when there are so many brownfield sites in the area such as Coventry Airport.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44707

Received: 07/05/2010

Respondent: Charles Golub

Representation Summary:

Agree with circulated objections
Bungalow is near entry point for estate. Would not get any peace and road would be much busier and noisier. Bought for quiet location

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Agree with circulated objections
Bungalow is near entry point for estate. Would not get any peace and road would be much busier and noisier. Bought for quiet location


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44708

Received: 07/05/2010

Respondent: Mrs Eithne Goode

Representation Summary:

Strongly object mainly on the grounds that access to the proposed site would not be sustainable.
Cubbington Road already suffers from severe congestion at times - and the surrounding estate roads are not able to take the extra traffic which would be generated by the extra development

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Strongly object mainly on the grounds that access to the proposed site would not be sustainable.
Cubbington Road already suffers from severe congestion at times - and the surrounding estate roads are not able to take the extra traffic which would be generated by the extra development


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44709

Received: 07/05/2010

Respondent: Ann Hodgson

Representation Summary:

Cubbington already in trouble with flooding new building will compound the problem
Local roads won't take more congestion than they already cope with
Difficult to get a doctors appointment now, so will be impossible if population increases.
Schools are already to capacity so more would have to be built
In summer River Leam is very low and so other sources of domestic water would be needed
Council expected to protect green belt
Lillington and Cubbington would lose identity
Must be sites for new building that would be more suitable for development that wrecking this area
Please reconsider

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I really do not understand why this project is being considered again
Cubbington is already in trouble with flooding and the appropriate department is not solving the problem as no-one can agree whose responisbility it is!!! and new building will compound the problem
The local roads won't take more congestion than they already cope with
It is very difficult to get a doctors appointment now, so it will be impossible if the population increases.
The schools are already to capacity so more would have to be built at extortionate expense
In the summer months the River Leam is very low and so other sources of domestic water would need to be arranged
Our council is expected to protect the green belt, not lose it
Lillington and Cubbington would lose their identity as the proposed building would swallow them up
There must be sites for new building that would be more suitable for development that wrecking this area
Please, please reconsider this project and reorganise it in another location