
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44681

Received: 07/05/2010

Respondent: Ted & Joan Clark

Representation Summary:

Problem of surface water/ piped water/sewage from 1800 dwellings.
Small gardens - this must be taken in conjunction with the present dangerous situation at the bottom of the village.
Effect on the present road system does not bear thinking about, particularly at the top of Windmill Hill and the junction of Parklands and Cubbington Road.
Pressure on the three schools from many hundreds of new, extra pupils would be quite impossible. There is no intention of building a new school or two among these new houses.

Full text:

This proposal is not good.
First, there is the problem of surface water let alone piped water and sewage from 1800 dwellings, all of which will have very small gardens (gone are the expansive 50's with 100' gardens); this must be taken in conjunction with the present dangerous situation at the bottom of the village.
Secondly, the effect on the present road system does not bear thinking about, particularly at the top of Windmill Hill and the junction of Parklands and Cubbington Road.
Thirdly, the pressure on the three schools from many hundreds of new, extra pupils would be quite impossible. There is no intention of building a new school or two among these new houses.