
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44709

Received: 07/05/2010

Respondent: Ann Hodgson

Representation Summary:

Cubbington already in trouble with flooding new building will compound the problem
Local roads won't take more congestion than they already cope with
Difficult to get a doctors appointment now, so will be impossible if population increases.
Schools are already to capacity so more would have to be built
In summer River Leam is very low and so other sources of domestic water would be needed
Council expected to protect green belt
Lillington and Cubbington would lose identity
Must be sites for new building that would be more suitable for development that wrecking this area
Please reconsider

Full text:

I really do not understand why this project is being considered again
Cubbington is already in trouble with flooding and the appropriate department is not solving the problem as no-one can agree whose responisbility it is!!! and new building will compound the problem
The local roads won't take more congestion than they already cope with
It is very difficult to get a doctors appointment now, so it will be impossible if the population increases.
The schools are already to capacity so more would have to be built at extortionate expense
In the summer months the River Leam is very low and so other sources of domestic water would need to be arranged
Our council is expected to protect the green belt, not lose it
Lillington and Cubbington would lose their identity as the proposed building would swallow them up
There must be sites for new building that would be more suitable for development that wrecking this area
Please, please reconsider this project and reorganise it in another location