
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44693

Received: 07/05/2010

Respondent: Mrs Kathleen Johnson

Representation Summary:

Unoccupied houses should be brought up to standard and occupied before development of farmland.
Joining up existing villages village life would be eroded.
Wildlife would be unfavourably affected.
Young families want a home in village. not on estate on outskirts of Leamington
Following wet weather water runs off fields near to proposed exit. If site has impervious surfaces flood problems increase.
Roads barely adequate and would be unable to cope with traffic. Exiting proposed site via cul-de-sacs into Parkland Avenue would be unfeasible
Inadequate land available to enlarge roundabout at Windmill Hill. All other possible 'escape routes' from this site would be unworkable.

Full text:

The numerous properties currently unoccupied in Leamington Spa and the surrounding area should be brought up to standard and occupied to capacity before considering any further development of farm land, be it actively farmed, as is the case with Glebe farm or otherwise. This is a matter of common sense, regardless of government policy and should be addressed first and foremost.
In the case of selecting Glebe farm as a possible area for development on this scale, once again common sense has not been applied to the choice of site. For many reasons, Glebe farm is eminently unsuitable but I consider the following to be of greatest importance:
By joining up the existing villages of Cubbington and Lillington, as this development would do, village life as we know it would be totally eroded. Wildlife including (protected) badgers, newts, flora etc would be unfavourably affected.
To say that the new housing would provide homes for Cubbington young families who at present cannot afford to live in the villlage and have to move elsewhere is not a valid argument as they want a home in the village of Cubbington. Young families, my own children included, have no wish to live on an estate on the outskirts of Leamington which is what this development would be.
As I write following the snow and wet weather, there are numerous 'springs' rising up from the ground adjacent to the footpath that i regularly walk across this land. This water runs off the fields and across the Offchurch Road near to the proposed exit junction. If this land was to be developed can the authorities govern the future weather conditions and rainfall? I doubt it!! Yet another instance where common sense has not prevailed. Run off from the heavy clay soil occurs on each boundary of this site. Should any of this site be covered by impervious surfaces the flood problems of Cubbington village will be increased and will inevitably spread to a wider area whatever so called precautions are put in place by the developers.
Traffic and safety aspects of the area have obviously been overlooked when contemplating development of Glebe farm. Have any of the planning team, driven round Cubbington village at school start or finish time? The roads are barely adequate at present and would be totally unable to cope with any additional traffic. Exiting the proposed site via the cul-de-sacs into Parkland Avenue would be unfeasible due to the narrow residential roads it is suggested are used.
There is inadequate land available to enlarge the roundabout at the top of Windmill Hill and it is already a site of too many traffic accidents. All other possible 'escape routes' from this site would be unworkable and unable to take additional traffic at peak times