
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44700

Received: 22/03/2010

Respondent: Ms Allyson Strong

Representation Summary:

We need to protect Green Belt land from development while there are other non-designated Green Belt sites available within the District.
The development would inevitably cause an increase in traffic around and in Parklands Avenue both while building was being carried out and when completed.
The junction between Telford Avenue, Parklands Avenue and Cubbington Road already has problems at peak times. Increased traffic would exacerbate these problems.
As this site is prone to flooding, development would cause an increase with ever more properties being at risk.

Full text:

We need to protect Green Belt land from development while there are other non-designated Green Belt sites available within the District.
The development would inevitably cause an increase in traffic around and in Parklands Avenue both while building was being carried out and when completed.
The junction between Telford Avenue, Parklands Avenue and Cubbington Road already has problems at peak times. Increased traffic would exacerbate these problems.
As this site is prone to flooding, development would cause an increase with ever more properties being at risk.