
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44689

Received: 22/03/2010

Respondent: Ann and Philip Robinson

Representation Summary:

Building on this land would worsen the flooding situation because the ground cannot hold the water as it is.
Traffic already clogs up Cubbington Road and the road system could not sustain heavier traffic.
The schools are not adequate for an influx of more children.
Cubbington would lose its village identity. Small communities should be preserved so that people have a choice about whether they want to live in small communities (villages) or large communities (Leamington).
Applications were turned down last year and should be turned down again.

Full text:

We live off Parlands Avenue and our garden is prone to flooding in wet weather. Building on this land would worsen the situation because the ground cannot hold the water as it is.
Traffic already clogs up Cubbington Road and the road system could not sustain heavier traffic.
The schools are not adequate for an influx of more children.
Cubbington would lose its village identity. Small communities should be preserved so that people have a choice about whether they want to live in small communities (villages) or large communities (Leamington).
Applications were turned down last year and should be turned down again.