
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44684

Received: 07/05/2010

Respondent: Dr R A Blackburn

Representation Summary:

Concerned about development of green belt.
Offchurch Road already congested at peak times, it is narrow with sharp and dangerous bends. Further access from new build would cause even more traffic congestion
More important factor is danger of very serious flooding .Caused a great deal of damage and distress three years ago If fields are developed more surface water would run into the bottom end of the village with inevitable severe consequences.
Proposed access at the junction with Offcurch Road and Queen Street would necessitate the destruction of wooded copse which includes oak tree which is suggested for TPO

Full text:

I am concerned about the development of this area of green belt. The Offchurch Road is already congested at peak times, it is narrow with sharp and dangerous bends. Further access from proposed new build would cause even more traffic congestion at the Cubbington Road/Rugby Road intersection which is already a source of many road traffic accidents. The other and perhaps, more important factor against the proposal is the very real danger of very serious flooding due to pluvial run off! This caused a great deal of damage and distress three years ago with water coming off the village side of the Offchurch Road. If the field opposite are developed a great deal more surface water would run into the bottom end of the village with inevitable severe consequences.
Proposed access at the junction with Offcurch Road and Queen Street would necessitate the destruction of the wooded copse in that corner, which includes a magnificent oak tree of over a 100 years old and upon which I suggest a Tree Preservation Order be placed.