Do you support or object to the development of Glebe Farm, Cubbington?

Showing comments and forms 421 to 450 of 903


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44542

Received: 06/05/2010

Respondent: Mr D Winn

Representation Summary:

Increase in urban sprawl must be registered
Green belt protection should be reinforced
Access to the site via Parklands Avenue and various side roads is not able to support any large increase in traffic
Adjacent road junctions are already heavily congested
The land is subject to flooding
The existence of a Badger colony close to Delamere Way

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Increase in urban sprawl must be registered
Green belt protection should be reinforced
Access to the site via Parklands Avenue and various side roads is not able to support any large increase in traffic
Adjacent road junctions are already heavily congested
The land is subject to flooding
The existence of a Badger colony close to Delamere Way


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44544

Received: 06/05/2010

Respondent: Mrs Angela Coxon

Representation Summary:

Access to this site would be from small closes off Parklands Avenue. Narrow roads, totally unsuitable and not designed for heavy traffic.
2000 houses would generate a great number of school children. The roads to these schools are already congested at school times and crossing from Parklands Avenue into Telford Avenue is very hazardous The mini-roundabout turning from Cubbington Road into Windmill Hill, has also seen many accidents.
This site has a big flooding problem
To build on this site would be an ecological disaster
The whole concept of using this virtually land-locked site is absolutely ludicrous

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Access to this site would be from small closes off Parklands Avenue
These are narrow roads, totally unsuitable and not designed for heavy traffic. Therefore if this site should be developed these closes would be used for all the construction possibly for a period of 3 or more years and can no way handle large construction vehicles e.g. cranes, earth movers, bulldozers, concrete mixers etc not counting lorries delivering bricks, timber, tarmac, drainage pipes, roof tiles to name but a few. All these vehicles would have to turn into Parklands Avenue (a residential estate road) at a difficult junction then into narrower close roads of bungalows and private houses - roads which are actually unsuitable for this type and weight of traffic
2000 houses would generate a great number of school children who would have to go to local schools. the roads to these primary schools are already over congested at school times and the crossing from Parklands Avenue into Telford Avenue is very hazardous where there have already been many accidents. It would be absolutely unsafe for even more young children, plus parents/carers often with push chairs to cross here. The mini-roundabout turning from Cubbington Road into Windmill Hill, Cubbington has also seen many accidents over the years. Both these junctions would become even more dangerous.
This site has a big flooding problem
To build on this site would be an ecological disaster - this land provides home for various wildlife - badgers, foxes, hares, field mice, voles, sparrow hawks, owns and many other wild creatures
The whole concept of using this virtually land-locked site is absolutely ludicrous


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44545

Received: 06/05/2010

Respondent: Mr Brian Hartshorne

Representation Summary:

Development would cause problems in all the areas mentioned in this survey.
The field where we live floods every time we have heavy rain because of the heavy clay soil causing the water not to drain away.
We have wild life in the field. Foxes den, badger setts.
Would not want a road through the cul-de-sac from Parklands Avenue.
This heavy soil is ideal for wheat, corn crops.
The roads would not take extra traffic with many cross roads causing a problem for schools. Peak times would be unbelievable.
Need to keep Cubbington and Lillington separate villages.

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I strongly object to the development of Glebe Farm, Cubbington. This must not go ahead because it would affect everything and everybody in this area causing problems in all the areas mentioned in this survey.
The field where we live floods every time we have heavy rain because of the heavy clay soil causing the water not to drain away through the clay. We have wild life in the field. Foxes den, badger setts. Foxes den in the middle of the field. Living in a cul-de-sac we would not want a road through the cul-de-sac from Parklands Avenue. This green space where we live has been green space as long as I can remember, living here in the same house for 46 years from new.
This heavy soil here is ideal for wheat, corn crops which crops heavy crops.
Such a large scale development would be chaos for this area. The roads around this area would not take the extra traffic with many cross roads around this area causing a problem for all the schools around here. Peak times would be unbelievable on all the roads in and out of this area. We now have to put up with Tesco which have just moved into the old Walnut Tree pub causing more traffic in this area. We need to keep Cubbington and Lillington as separate villages.
I strongly object to any development at Glebe Farm


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44547

Received: 06/05/2010

Respondent: Mrs Janet Hartshorne

Representation Summary:

The whole area has always been farming land, growing wheat, rape etc yeilding well on the heavy clay soil.
There are serious flood problems.
Access will be a major problem. The cul-de-sac roads leading off Parklands Avenue are narrow residential roads not for heavy traffic!
The Cubbington Road and Crown Way junctions are congested and could not take extra traffic .
Those in Cubbington and Lillington has to travel towards Leamington for shopping/work. The road through Offchurch to the Fosse Way is very narrow and floods after heavy rain.
There are badger setts and foxes in the field.

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The whole area has always been farming land, growing wheat, rape etc yeilding well on the heavy clay soil.
There are some serious flood problems as water does not drain owing to the clay.
Access will be a major problem here. The cul-de-sac roads leading off Parklands Avenue were built in 1963/64 are narrow residential roads not for heavy traffic at all!
The Cubbington Road and Crown Way junctions are really congested especially at busy times already and could not take the extra volume of traffic building more houses would create. Every one living in Cubbington and Lillington has to travel in that direction towards Leamington for shopping and work. The other road from Cubbington through Offchurch to the Fosse Way, Southam and Daventry area is very narrow and always floods after heavy rain and is then impassable.
I jhave lived on the border of these fields for 46 years, sole owners of our bungalow and are very much aware of the badger setts here, also foxes.
For these reasons, I object to the development of Glebe Farm, Cubbington


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44548

Received: 22/03/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs JR Wheeler

Representation Summary:

The Green Belt between Lillington & Cubbington should be protected. It safeguards the countryside. Villages must never be lost, they are our heritage. A large scale development would increase traffic where it is very heavy already. The pressure on schools, doctors etc would be tremendous. Once again building on flood plains would be disastrous.

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The Green Belt between Lillington & Cubbington should be protected. It safeguards the countryside. Villages must never be lost, they are our heritage. A large scale development would increase traffic where it is very heavy already. The pressure on schools, doctors etc would be tremendous. Once again building on flood plains would be disastrous.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44551

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mr David McInnes

Representation Summary:

This would infill the gap between Cubbington and Lillington. This would contribute to degrading the character of Cubbington and Lillington as individual communities with their own identity. It would also be visually very intrusive into the remaining green belt between Cubbington and Offchurch as seen from Welsh Road.

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Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44553

Received: 06/05/2010

Respondent: Taylor Wimpey UK Ltd

Agent: Barton Willmore

Representation Summary:

Site 3 - The development of this site would result in the gap between Cubbington and Lillington being completely eroded and the merging of these settlements. The site is located within the open Green Belt and we consider that this site fulfils an important role in maintaining openness between the two areas, in accordance with PPG2.
Furthermore, the site appears to have access only on to a small point at Offchurch Road which is insufficient to serve a site of this site, particularly given the small scale nature of this site and the relatively small length of site frontage in this area. It may be that there are secondary points of access through some existing roads in Lillington however we would query the ability of these roads to accommodate a development of 1,000 plus dwellings.

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Site 1a and 1b - Whilst the emerging RSS does not form part of the Development Plan, it is a clear indication of the direction of travel in meeting the growth agenda. Within the emerging RSS, it is Warwick and Leamington Spa which are identified as a Settlement of Significant Development (SSD) and this designation does not include Kenilworth. We have previously set out in our representations that the previously considered Preferred Option for Kenilworth is of excessive size in relation to the role of Kenilworth in the region. We do not consider that a need can be demonstrated for a second site in Kenilworth given that the emphasis should be on meeting local needs only.

Site 3 - The development of this site would result in the gap between Cubbington and Lillington being completely eroded and the merging of these settlements. The site is located within the open Green Belt and we consider that this site fulfils an important role in maintaining openness between the two areas, in accordance with PPG2.
Furthermore, the site appears to have access only on to a small point at Offchurch Road which is insufficient to serve a site of this site, particularly given the small scale nature of this site and the relatively small length of site frontage in this area. It may be that there are secondary points of access through some existing roads in Lillington however we would query the ability of these roads to accommodate a development of 1,000 plus dwellings.

Site 4 - This site submission appears to be based purely on land ownership as oppose to consideration of a suitable development site. The parcels north of the Warwick by-pass are illogical development sites, extending development beyond a clearly established development boundary in this area. Furthermore, the adopted Local Plan Proposals Map shows over half of the land to the south of the bypass as forming part of a historic park / garden which should therefore be protected from development.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44558

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mr T Buckby

Representation Summary:

Country view from our house would be spoilt, wildlife must be protected, i.e. badgers, newst, birds etc. Local amenities, schools, doctors, shops, roads not suitable.

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Country view from our house would be spoilt, wildlife must be protected, i.e. badgers, newst, birds etc. Local amenities, schools, doctors, shops, roads not suitable.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44559

Received: 22/03/2010

Respondent: John Alexander Coutts

Representation Summary:

1. Cubbington would lose its village identity
2. The feeling of "space" between Lillington & Cubbington would be lost forever. The Green Belt is still important.
3. The local road infrastructure, especially at peak times, could not cope with the extra traffic.
4. Leamington town centre could not cope with the extra traffic.
5. There is only one state senior school in north Leamington, compared with four in central/south Leamington.
6. Wildlife will always be important

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1. Cubbington would lose its village identity
2. The feeling of "space" between Lillington & Cubbington would be lost forever. The Green Belt is still important.
3. The local road infrastructure, especially at peak times, could not cope with the extra traffic.
4. Leamington town centre could not cope with the extra traffic.
5. There is only one state senior school in north Leamington, compared with four in central/south Leamington.
6. Wildlife will always be important.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44560

Received: 22/03/2010

Respondent: Robert Adams

Representation Summary:

If development goes ahead it will turn Cubbington into a suburb of Leamington Spa. This ancient village (dating from Saxon times) would be gone forever. This development would cause massive disruption to our daily lives not least of which would be traffic congestion on Offchurch Road at peak times. We are also concerned that the clay soil, already prone to flooding, would add to our existing problems with flood water.

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If development goes ahead it will turn Cubbington into a suburb of Leamington Spa. This ancient village (dating from Saxon times) would be gone forever. This development would cause massive disruption to our daily lives not least of which would be traffic congestion on Offchurch Road at peak times. We are also concerned that the clay soil, already prone to flooding, would add to our existing problems with flood water.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44561

Received: 22/03/2010

Respondent: Mr/Mrs Hall

Representation Summary:

Objects to development which would join Cubbington with Lillington and lead to loss of open fields between the two. Cubbington is a village and should stay as a village.

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Objects to development which would join Cubbington with Lillington and lead to loss of open fields between the two. Cubbington is a village and should stay as a village.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44562

Received: 22/03/2010

Respondent: G Brooks

Representation Summary:

Objects completely - does not want the village desicrated.

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Objects completely - does not want the village desicrated.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44564

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs Harris

Representation Summary:

Why build on good farmland,why not build on old factory sites or old railway tracks. Roads in this area and other villages are not meant for traffic and lorries.

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Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44568

Received: 22/03/2010

Respondent: Mr Michael Anderson

Representation Summary:

Object strongly as development of this site will permanently change the character of the area for the worst. So many houses will attract too many people for the area to be able to cope with.

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Object strongly as development of this site will permanently change the character of the area for the worst. So many houses will attract too many people for the area to be able to cope with.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44572

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mrs Jean Field

Representation Summary:


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Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44575

Received: 22/03/2010

Respondent: Mary Winter

Representation Summary:

Cubbington is a village community and we want to stay in a small village.
The village is prone to flooding and houses on Glebe Farm would make the situation worse. Badgers are also on site and must be protected. The footpaths across this land are in constant use and enable us all to enjoy fresh air and exercise.
Traffic would block the small local roads which already struggle, with no clear access to a large motorway other than going through Leamington Spa which is far from ideal.

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Cubbington is a village community. People know eachother and care about eachother and we want to stay in a small village.
The village is prone to flooding and houses on Glebe Farm would make the situation worse. Badgers are also on site and must be protected. The footpaths across this land are in constant use and enable us all to enjoy fresh air and exercise which we are told is so important.
Traffic would block the small local roads which already struggle, with no clear access to a large motorway other than going through Leamington Spa which is far from ideal.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44577

Received: 22/03/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs McAllan

Representation Summary:

This will negatively affect schools, doctors, road safety and the environment as a whole. We already have flooding problems and this would make it worse and the village of Cubbington would no longer exist.

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This will negatively affect schools, doctors, road safety and the environment as a whole. We already have flooding problems and this would make it worse and the village of Cubbington would no longer exist.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44581

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Framptons

Representation Summary:

3 - There is already a substantial Preferred Option allocation for Warwick/Leamington, and in accordance with
the Preferred Option, housing should be distributed across the District. Areas such as Kenilworth where
development, on deliverable sites, can help bring forward new employment/investment and support the new
railway station and contribute to a more even distribution of economic growth across the District.

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1a - For the purpose of clarification, this site has been promoted on behalf of the Kenilworth Wardens Cricket Club, separately from land identified as site 1b below (Woodside Training Centre). The previous submission
in September 2009, made clear that, having regard to the location of the site adjacent to the Preferred Option allocation at Thickthorn, it is the intention of the club to seek to safeguard the setting of the Club in the context of the form and character of surrounding land uses, and/or enable the Club to secure an alternative
ground which is of appropriate size to accommodate its requirements.

2 - There is already a substantial Preferred Option allocation for Warwick/Leamington, and in accordance with the Preferred Option, housing should be distributed across the District. Areas such as Kenilworth where
development, on deliverable sites, can help bring forward new employment/investment and support the new railway station and contribute to a more even distribution of economic growth across the District.

3 - There is already a substantial Preferred Option allocation for Warwick/Leamington, and in accordance with
the Preferred Option, housing should be distributed across the District. Areas such as Kenilworth where
development, on deliverable sites, can help bring forward new employment/investment and support the new
railway station and contribute to a more even distribution of economic growth across the District.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44585

Received: 22/03/2010

Respondent: Mr A Baker

Representation Summary:

The communities of Cubbington and lillington are, at the moment, very distinct and we would like it to remain that way.
In impact on village life would cause the "village" to collapse with the weight of new people and the "joining" of Cubbington with Lillington communities.
The road network is already full to capacity particularly at the roundabout intersection of Windmill Hill and Rugby Road.

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We do not want the area diluted with undesired people that this size of development will attract and undoubtedly encourage through Council accommodation.
The communities of Cubbington and lillington are, at the moment, very distinct and we would like it to remain that way.
In impact on village life would cause the "village" to collapse with the weight of new people and the "joining" of Cubbington with Lillington communities.
How the road structure will cope with thye proposed number of cars that will be added is unknown, but unless infrastructure is radically altered I cannot see how it can support the new numbers. the single file bridge at Offchurch is struggling to capacity already. The intersection roundabout of Windmill Hill and Rugby Road is already full to capacity every morning.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44586

Received: 06/05/2010

Respondent: Mrs Betty Hiorns

Representation Summary:

Cubbington has suffered from flooding in the past and building on this land would worsen the problem. The land is green belt and safeguards the two distinct communities of Cubbington and Lillington. Village life as we know it would be gone forever as it would be a sprawl of a large built up area. It would cause a great deal of pressure on local services such as schools and doctors. There would be significant increase in traffic in the rush hours. There would be environmental impact on wildlife of these old fields and the loss of the well used footpaths

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Cubbington has suffered from flooding in the past and building on this land would worsen the problem. The land is green belt and safeguards the two distinct communities of Cubbington and Lillington. Village life as we know it would be gone forever as it would be a sprawl of a large built up area. It would cause a great deal of pressure on local services such as schools and doctors. There would be significant increase in traffic in the rush hours and cause disruption to all Cubbington residents. There would be environmental impact on the wildlife of these old fields and the loss of the well used footpaths


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44590

Received: 22/03/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs R & J Tew

Representation Summary:

Objects to the development of the Glebe Farm site.

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Objects to the development of the Glebe Farm site.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44592

Received: 22/03/2010

Respondent: Daniel Meggitt

Representation Summary:

Joining Cubbington to Lillington will bring no benefits to the people of Cubbington. The loss of our fields and countryside will make Cubbington part of Leamington and not a village.
There are plenty of brownfield sites that could be used. What about Ford Foundry?

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Joining Cubbington to Lillington will bring no benefits to the people of Cubbington. The loss of our fields and countryside will make Cubbington part of Leamington and not a village.
There are plenty of brownfield sites that could be used. What about Ford Foundry?


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44596

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Margaret Eades

Representation Summary:

Water pressure to homes in this area is very poor and could not cope with any more developments. The roads round this area are very busy and could not cope with more traffic. Also there is not enough school places now in Leamington and Warwick without anymore houses being built.

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Water pressure to homes in this area is very poor and could not cope with any more developments. The roads round this area are very busy and could not cope with more traffic. Also there is not enough school places now in Leamington and Warwick without anymore houses being built.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44597

Received: 22/03/2010

Respondent: Brian Ashton Briggs

Representation Summary:

I strongly object to this proposal to build houses on Green Belt and farm land. We must protect our green spaces as best we can - our wildlife is disappearing at an alarming rate.
Flooding is of major concern to most of us and this project will only cause more problems now and in the future. The pollution from cars and traffic problems will only increase, and next will be another landfill site. This green and pleasant land soon won't be.

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I strongly object to this proposal to build houses on Green Belt and farm land. We must protect our green spaces as best we can - our wildlife is disappearing at an alarming rate.
Flooding is of major concern to most of us and this project will only cause more problems now and in the future. The pollution from cars and traffic problems will only increase, and next will be another landfill site. This green and pleasant land soon won't be.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44598

Received: 29/03/2010

Respondent: Mr Robert Bradshaw

Representation Summary:

Doing away with village. Increased danger of flooding.

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Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44600

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: I Hilton

Representation Summary:

Green belt land should not be used for building purposes. Flooding problems in Cubbington need to be resolved before additional building takes place. Additional traffic would increase the likelihood of accidents and create massive disruption to all Cubbington residents. Cubbington would completely lose it's village identity. It's wildlife would be disturbed and the area completely spoiled.

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Green belt land should not be used for building purposes. Flooding problems in Cubbington need to be resolved before additional building takes place. Additional traffic would increase the likelihood of accidents and create massive disruption to all Cubbington residents. Cubbington would completely lose it's village identity. It's wildlife would be disturbed and the area completely spoiled.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44604

Received: 26/03/2010

Respondent: Mrs Cicely Reid

Representation Summary:

Cubbington will be overcrowded.

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Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44611

Received: 22/03/2010

Respondent: Susan Senior

Representation Summary:

The village identity and community of Cubbington should be protected.
The road network in Cubbington would be unable to cope with the development.
The wildlife should be protected - badgers and deer can be seen in that area and it is just the peaceful pathway amenity that people need.
Development of the site would increase flooding if the water cannot drain awayon the land.
The schools and medical facilities are suitable and adequate and the existing community does not want expansion due to many extra households.

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Cubbington village is part of our English heritage and it would be outrageous to build on this site.
Having lived on both sides of the site, it is hard to understand how the Green Belt status is suddenly invalid once builders become able to purchase land.
Cubbington is a village with its own identity and generations have cared for it. Penns Close is an example of neighbours united to enter and win Britain in Bloom. All that independence will be lost if it is just tagged on the edge of other communities who also want to retain their own identity.
The recent snow has highlighted the nightmare that would be created by additional traffic on Offchurch Road. It was horrendous when Windmill Hill was impassable due to ice. The only other exit from the village via Church Lane was gridlocked. Traffic was queuing back towards Weston and there is regularly traffic queuing from Offchurch at busy times of day. The roundabout at the top of Windmill Hill is already a notorious accident blackspot.
It is terrifying to think of the environmental effect of large scale building. The wildlife should be protected - badgers and deer can be seen in that area and it is just the peaceful pathway amenity that people need.
Having narrowly escaped the recent flooding it is frightening to think that the flood level may be higher if the water cannot drain on the land.
The schools and medical facilities are suitable and adequate and the existing community does not want expansion due to many extra households.
Please reconsider and remove this site from any development plan and don't allow the money available to buy this site disrupt the lives of many villagers


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44612

Received: 26/03/2010

Respondent: RJP and JM Thompson

Representation Summary:

Keep the green fields. Chaos of more traffic using Windmill Hill. Enough housing round Leamington.

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Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44619

Received: 17/03/2010

Respondent: Mr D McKowen

Representation Summary:

Greenfield site, Windmill Hill roundabout already accident proned.

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