
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44701

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Miss D Haywood

Representation Summary:

I object to the development of Glebe Farm because:
The small narrow country roads in and around Cubbington will not be able to cope with the vast increase in traffic from the new development. In particular the road from Offchurch through to the small island at the top of Windmill Hill which is a particular accident black spot.
It will exacerbate the existing flooding problems in Cubbington which have not yet been resolved.
There are numerous brownfield sites that should be considered in the area rather than destroying green belt e.g. Peugeot Plant at Ryton, the Ford Foundry and Coventry Airport. It will overwhelm existing infrastructure such as schools, roads, shops, sewers, doctors, jobs etc.
The village character of Cubbington will be destroyed forever. The destruction of greenbelt will have a huge impact on local wildlife and flora.

Full text:

I object to the development of Glebe Farm because:
The small narrow country roads in and around Cubbington will not be able to cope with the vast increase in traffic from the new development. In particular the road from Offchurch through to the small island at the top of Windmill Hill which is a particular accident black spot.
It will exacerbate the existing flooding problems in Cubbington which have not yet been resolved.
There are numerous brownfield sites that should be considered in the area rather than destroying green belt e.g. Peugeot Plant at Ryton, the Ford Foundry and Coventry Airport. It will overwhelm existing infrastructure such as schools, roads, shops, sewers, doctors, jobs etc.
The village character of Cubbington will be destroyed forever. The destruction of greenbelt will have a huge impact on local wildlife and flora.