
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44691

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mr and Mrs Dierozynski

Representation Summary:

The clay composition of the soil and the vast amount of hard landscaping would add to the already existing flood problem in the village. The roads of Cubbington were not designed to take the volume of traffic that would occur with such a development. The loss of wildlife that has grown and being encouraged by the villagers would be lost. Also the green belt is a valuable aspect of country life.

Full text:

The clay composition of the soil and the vast amount of hard landscaping would add to the already existing flood problem in the village. The roads of Cubbington were not designed to take the volume of traffic that would occur with such a development. The loss of wildlife that has grown and being encouraged by the villagers would be lost. Also the green belt is a valuable aspect of country life.