Do you support or object to the development of Glebe Farm, Cubbington?

Showing comments and forms 451 to 480 of 903


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44624

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mr and Mrs P Payne

Representation Summary:

Green Belt between Cubbington and Lillington must be protected as village life will vanish. Pressure will arise to extend development to the boundary of Welsh Road. The heavy clay subsoil will cause the site to be prone to flooding. Building on this land would worsen the existing village flooding problem. The proposed site access will cause problems in Offchurch Road and Windmill Hill roundabout as the roads are not suitable for an increase in traffic. Schools and doctors could not cope with the increased population. Wildlife and footpaths will be affected.

Full text:

Green Belt between Cubbington and Lillington must be protected as village life will vanish. Pressure will arise to extend development to the boundary of Welsh Road. The heavy clay subsoil will cause the site to be prone to flooding. Building on this land would worsen the existing village flooding problem. The proposed site access will cause problems in Offchurch Road and Windmill Hill roundabout as the roads are not suitable for an increase in traffic. Schools and doctors could not cope with the increased population. Wildlife and footpaths will be affected.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44627

Received: 17/03/2010

Respondent: Heathcote Park Residents Association

Representation Summary:

Would prefer to see a buffer around Hill Farm House, does this overpower the existing Lillington lifestyle?

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Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44630

Received: 06/05/2010

Respondent: Emma Chapman

Representation Summary:


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Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44634

Received: 17/03/2010

Respondent: Mr Guy Griffin

Representation Summary:

The main road is inadequate and dangerous and prone to flooding. The fields must remain untouched for further generations to come.

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Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44638

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Joyce Stanford

Representation Summary:

Urban sprawl - keep Cubbington a separate village. Flooding - we already have problems. Why use green field land when there is brown field land to take housing estates - i.e. Peugeot Ryton Plant or Baginton Airport - a whole town with ammenities could be built. Traffic problems.

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Urban sprawl - keep Cubbington a separate village. Flooding - we already have problems. Why use green field land when there is brown field land to take housing estates - i.e. Peugeot Ryton Plant or Baginton Airport - a whole town with ammenities could be built. Traffic problems.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44639

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mrs S Hilrene

Representation Summary:

Object to houses being built on green belt. Prefer village life. It will cause disruption to traffic through a small village. Pressure on schools and doctors and also potential flooding on the Offchurch Road during heavy rain. Impact on wildlife and more crime.

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Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44640

Received: 16/03/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs A Robbins

Representation Summary:

The existing problem of flooding would only be worsened. Local infrastructure could not support this expansion. Better control of immigration we would not need all this extra housing.

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Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44642

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mr J Graham

Representation Summary:

Support, provided that significant improvements are made to the infrastructure and particularly the road system and provision for education.

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Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44647

Received: 10/03/2010

Respondent: Mrs Rachel A Smith

Representation Summary:

Object to any further housing development in Warwick District. We need to keep our fields and woodlands.

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Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44654

Received: 11/03/2010

Respondent: Mr Robert Habgood

Representation Summary:

Land above village, water will be a problem

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Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44658

Received: 09/03/2010

Respondent: Mr Raymond Markham

Representation Summary:

Flooding situation, loss of village status for Cubbington, building on green belt land with loss of wildlife and increased traffic, loss of green belt land when there are lots of empty properties and brownfield sites. Affect on property being overlooked and loss of value. Lack of facilities which would be required. Decimation of rural area.

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Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44660

Received: 07/05/2010

Respondent: Marcia Betty Thornton

Representation Summary:

Green Belt land should be protected. If it keeps being built on, we shall be covered in concrete.
Cubbington and Lillington are seriously at risk of flooding due to heavy clay soil in this area.
The roads and junctions are already very congested.
Can the water and sewerage pipes cope with all this extra building.
Please do all you can to protect our wildlife and countryside

Full text:

Green Belt land should be protected. If it keeps being built on, we shall be covered in concrete.
Cubbington and Lillington are seriously at risk of flooding due to heavy clay soil in this area.
The roads and junctions are already very congested.
Can the water and sewerage pipes cope with all this extra building.
Please do all you can to protect our wildlife and countryside


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44661

Received: 07/05/2010

Respondent: Gayle Smith

Representation Summary:

The development would mean the disappearance of the identities of separate Lillington and Cubbington. Valuable green areas would be lost and the pressure on the existing infrastructure would be immense. Schools are already often, over-subscribed. Traffic congestion would also be apparent and gridlock area certain parts of the day. Concern impact - potential flooding - area has suffered in recent years

Full text:

The development would mean the disappearance of the identities of separate Lillington and Cubbington. Valuable green areas would be lost and the pressure on the existing infrastructure would be immense. Schools are already often, over-subscribed. Traffic congestion would also be apparent and gridlock area certain parts of the day. Concern impact - potential flooding - area has suffered in recent years


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44662

Received: 07/05/2010

Respondent: Margot & Mick O'keeffe

Representation Summary:


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Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44663

Received: 07/05/2010

Respondent: Nicola Owens

Representation Summary:

Object on the basis of increased traffic in this area on an unsuitable road system
Object on the basis of increased flooding risk
Object on the basis of loss of identity of Cubbington village

Full text:

Object on the basis of increased traffic in this area on an unsuitable road system
Object on the basis of increased flooding risk
Object on the basis of loss of identity of Cubbington village


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44664

Received: 07/05/2010

Respondent: Christine Venn

Representation Summary:

The green space between Lillington and Cubbington must safeguard the countryside from encroachment and maintain the two distinct communities of Lillington and Cubbington. The site would be accessed through various closed off roads (50's, 60's and 70's estate roads) not suitable for the traffic proposed. The heavy clay soil causes the site to flood with water running off flooding certain areas of both Lillington and Cubbington. the more cars put on the already busy roads will cause a great deal more accidents and congestion

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The green space between Lillington and Cubbington must safeguard the countryside from encroachment and maintain the two distinct communities of Lillington and Cubbington. The site would be accessed through various closed off roads (50's, 60's and 70's estate roads) not suitable for the traffic proposed. The heavy clay soil causes the site to flood with water running off flooding certain areas of both Lillington and Cubbington. the more cars put on the already busy roads will cause a great deal more accidents and congestion


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44665

Received: 07/05/2010

Respondent: Mrs Janet Sherlock

Representation Summary:

Object on the basis of increased traffic flow and congestion throughout the immediate area and Leamington Spa and the unsuitability of local roads to sustain traffic movement.
Object on the basis of increased flooding risk in Cubbington and Lillington
Object to the loss of village identity

Full text:

Object on the basis of increased traffic flow and congestion throughout the immediate area and Leamington Spa and the unsuitability of local roads to sustain traffic movement.
Object on the basis of increased flooding risk in Cubbington and Lillington
Object to the loss of village identity


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44666

Received: 07/05/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs AM & DM Webley

Representation Summary:

Speculative development with no consideration of landfall from west to east, resulting in drainage towards flood area of Cubbington village. Present sewers inadequate.
Welsh Road is narrow, winding and a racing track morning and evening. Access from both sides of proposed development to Welsh Road and Lillington/Parklands would induce rat-run traffic throughout, with concomitant increased accident potential. Existing junctions now overloaded

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Speculative development with no consideration of landfall from west to east, resulting in drainage towards flood area of Cubbington village. Present sewers inadequate.
Welsh Road is narrow, winding and a racing track morning and evening. Access from both sides of proposed development to Welsh Road and Lillington/Parklands would induce rat-run traffic throughout, with concomitant increased accident potential. Existing junctions now overloaded.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44667

Received: 07/05/2010

Respondent: Mrs Christine Godfrey

Representation Summary:


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Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44668

Received: 07/05/2010

Respondent: Mrs Marian Holder

Representation Summary:

Priority given to flooding in the village an absolute must!! Building so many houses between Cubbington and Lillington will cause traffic congestion. Cubbington was built as a village, it should remain as one

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Priority given to flooding in the village an absolute must!! Building so many houses between Cubbington and Lillington will cause traffic congestion. Cubbington was built as a village, it should remain as one


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44669

Received: 07/05/2010

Respondent: Mr Derek Turpin

Representation Summary:

Destroying a floodplain which will result in even more risk of flooding in an area which is already flooded not infrequently.
Destroying the 'green belt' which will make Cubbington indistinguishable from Lillington
Destroy the village atmosphere of Cubbington

Full text:

Destroying a floodplain which will result in even more risk of flooding in an area which is already flooded not infrequently.
Destroying the 'green belt' which will make Cubbington indistinguishable from Lillington
Destroy the village atmosphere of Cubbington


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44670

Received: 07/05/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs C Aston

Representation Summary:

Poor road network to deal with this number of houses
Schools locally cannot cope with the numbers
Potential flood problems.
Established village which cannot cope with number of proposed dwellings
The view from my house would eliminate views of fields etc
The loss to local wildlife, namely badgers and great crested newts
Cubbington will become swallowed into a town - losing all village identity
Will bridleways, public rights of way be built on and if so is this legal
What effect will it have for each household individually - i.e. property values, quality of life etc

Full text:

Poor road network to deal with this number of houses
Schools locally cannot cope with the numbers
Potential flood problems, we have already suffered without adding to the problem
This is an established village which cannot cope with the number of proposed dwellings
The view from my house would eliminate views of fields etc
The loss to local wildlife - what about existing brown sites.
What would happen to all the wildlife in the 52 hectares, namely badgers and great crested newts
Cubbington will in effect become swallowed up and become part of a town - losing all village identity
Will bridleways, public rights of way be built on and if so is this legal
What effect will it have for each household individually - i.e. property values, quality of life etc


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44671

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mr John Stanford

Representation Summary:

Flooding onto Welsh Road and to the village which is already at risk. Traffic on narrow busy roads causing disruption. Environmental impact on wildlife and loss of well used footpaths. Urban Sprawl - I moved to the village 50 years ago to live in a village and I do not want to link up with Leamington on all sides.

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Flooding onto Welsh Road and to the village which is already at risk. Traffic on narrow busy roads causing disruption. Environmental impact on wildlife and loss of well used footpaths. Urban Sprawl - I moved to the village 50 years ago to live in a village and I do not want to link up with Leamington on all sides.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44673

Received: 07/05/2010

Respondent: Caroline Sharp

Representation Summary:

It would ruin the village of Cubbington which would no longer be a separate entity
There would be an increased risk of flooding in the village
It would increasethe traffic to breaking point in the immediate vicinity

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It would ruin the village of Cubbington which would no longer be a separate entity
There would be an increased risk of flooding in the village
It would increasethe traffic to breaking point in the immediate vicinity


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44674

Received: 07/05/2010

Respondent: Michael J Smith

Representation Summary:

There is nothing in place that could support a development of this size, which just happens to be in a designated green belt area.
Huge investment required to ensure flooding does not occur
Current schools, doctors, shops in the area are insufficient to cope
Currently difficult finding parking space at the existing establishments.
Access to the main roads will create enormous problems particularly at peak times.
How will main road into Leamington cope
Considerable amount of traffic uses Offchurch and Cubbington from the south of Leamington to access the A46, Kenilworth and beyond
Village life should not be destroyed

Full text:

There is nothing in place that could support a development of this size, which just happens to be in a designated green belt area.
A huge investment will be required to ensure flooding does not occur in Cubbington
The current schools, doctors and shops in the area are insufficient to cope with a development of that enormity. Currently it is difficult finding a parking space at the existing establishments.
Access to the main roads will create enormous problems which are already extremely busy, particularly at peak times.
I also have reservations as to how the main road into Leamington would cope with the increase in the volume of traffic
A considerable amount of traffic, besides the outlying villages, uses Offchurch and Cubbington from the south of Leamington to access the A46, Kenilworth and beyond
Village life is an integral part of this country's make up. This would be destroyed in this area should a development of this magnitude take place


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44675

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mr G Neal

Representation Summary:

Cubbington has maintained it's identity as a village despite being so close to the urban areas. If this development went ahead this would be immediately lost and we would then become part of the urban sprawl. Traffic is already a major problem in the village shopping area, around the schools and junction of Windmill Hill, and Cubbington Road at peak times and if this scheme went ahead it would become much worse. Flooding would dramatically increase in frequency due to the water run off down hill towards the stream which runs through the village. A major badger sett and several otters currently occupy this land. As employment in Leamington is to the south of the town it would increase the cross town traffic which is already very congested at peak times. Schools in Cubbington are already fully occupied so a new school would need to be built.

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Cubbington has managed to maintain it's identity as a village and it's community life / spirit despite being so close to the urban areas of Leamington / Lillington. If this development went ahead this would be immediately lost and we would then become part of the urban sprawl stretching all the way to Whitnash. Traffic is a major problem even now in the village shopping area, around the schools and junction of Windmill Hill, and Cubbington Road at peak times. If this scheme went ahead with another 2,000 to 3,000 houses congestion would not only become permanent in these areas the narrow roads in the village centre would become totally blocked at peak times. With all these additional houses flooding inevitably would dramatically increase in frequency due to the water run off down hill towards the stream which runs through the village and storm drains channeling water into the stream. A major badger sett and several otters currently occupy this land. The major employment in Leamington is to the south of the town therefore this development would only significantly increase the cross town traffic which is already very congested at peak times. The two schools in Cubbington are already fully occupied so a new school would need to be built.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44676

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mr Norbury

Representation Summary:


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Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44677

Received: 07/05/2010

Respondent: Andrew Sharp

Representation Summary:

Unnecessary development of farm land - erosion of green belt separating Cubbington from Leamington/Lillington. Loss of amenity/green space
Further development of land which will ? it flooding in sensitive areas already at risk
I do not accept statistics/government proportions for housing need in this or any other area in the UK - all figures pre recession and assuming growth in the economy which can now clearly be seen as illusory
Traffic problems? or will the residents of this new housing have anywhere to go? jobs?

Full text:

Unnecessary development of farm land - erosion of green belt separating Cubbington from Leamington/Lillington. Loss of amenity/green space
Further development of land which will ? it flooding in sensitive areas already at risk
I do not accept statistics/government proportions for housing need in this or any other area in the UK - all figures pre recession and assuming growth in the economy which can now clearly be seen as illusory
Traffic problems? or will the residents of this new housing have anywhere to go? jobs?


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44678

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Miss Margaret Pope

Representation Summary:

Object because more building means more surface run off leading to more flooding at the bottom of the hill. The access is on a road which has access on the opposite side of the road also near a dangerous bend. It will completely destroy the village atmosphere.

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Object because more building means more surface run off leading to more flooding at the bottom of the hill. The access is on a road which has access on the opposite side of the road also near a dangerous bend. It will completely destroy the village atmosphere.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44679

Received: 07/05/2010

Respondent: Mrs Sue Ward

Representation Summary:

Cubbington is still a village! I would like to see it remain a village, It is very difficult to get out of the road in which we live, more traffic would be unbearable and make life veyr difficult. I will strongly protest about any development in Cubbington. Progress of development in Leamington Spa is spoiling why people choose to live here, ruining communiyt spirit and altering the ethos of this beautiful town. Have WDC not learnt from mistakes they have already made with Crown Way and Warwick Gates? Where are the children from this development supposed to go to school?

Full text:

Cubbington is still a village! I would like to see it remain a village, It is very difficult to get out of the road in which we live, more traffic would be unbearable and make life very difficult. I will strongly protest about any development in Cubbington. Progress of development in Leamington Spa is spoiling why people choose to live here, ruining communiyt spirit and altering the ethos of this beautiful town. Have WDC not learnt from mistakes they have already made with Crown Way and Warwick Gates? Where are the children from this development supposed to go to school?