
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44680

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: mr rodger jackson

Representation Summary:

Cubbington could not cope with the inevitable increase in traffic up Windmill Hill. The problem we used to have Royal Show week would pale into insignificance. The children at the Catholic school would be at considerable risk morning and afternoon. I doubt whether the local schools, doctors surgery or the local shops could withstand the extra pressure. The problem of flooding in the village would be exacerbated if the proposed area was built upon. The Greeb belt was not just the whim of some local councillor it was designed to preserve the countryside for generations to come and if we loose it now under our guardianship future generations will suffer. The countryside gives a lot of pleasure to many people using the well used footpaths and the wildlife would suffer such as the badgers which are a protected species.

Full text:

Cubbington could not cope with the inevitable increase in traffic up Windmill Hill. The problem we used to have Royal Show week would pale into insignificance. The children at the Catholic school would be at considerable risk morning and afternoon. I doubt whether the local schools, doctors surgery or the local shops could withstand the extra pressure. The problem of flooding in the village would be exacerbated if the proposed area was built upon. The Greeb belt was not just the whim of some local councillor it was designed to preserve the countryside for generations to come and if we loose it now under our guardianship future generations will suffer. The countryside gives a lot of pleasure to many people using the well used footpaths and the wildlife would suffer such as the badgers which are a protected species.