
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44706

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mr J Fudger

Representation Summary:

I object to the development of Glebe Farm because it will exacerbate the existing flooding problems in Cubbington which have yet to be resolved. It will vastly increase traffic volumes onto the already congested roads in Cubbington - particularly Windmill Hill and the junction with Rugby Road which is an accident black spot with several accidents every year. It will erode the green belt and destroy the unique village character of Cubbington. It will overwhelm the existing infrastructure, schools, shops, doctors, roads, sewers and jobs. It makes no sense to build on productive farmland when there are so many brownfield sites in the area such as Coventry Airport.

Full text:

I object to the development of Glebe Farm because it will exacerbate the existing flooding problems in Cubbington which have yet to be resolved. It will vastly increase traffic volumes onto the already congested roads in Cubbington - particularly Windmill Hill and the junction with Rugby Road which is an accident black spot with several accidents every year. It will erode the green belt and destroy the unique village character of Cubbington. It will overwhelm the existing infrastructure, schools, shops, doctors, roads, sewers and jobs. It makes no sense to build on productive farmland when there are so many brownfield sites in the area such as Coventry Airport.