
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44683

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mr Derek William Miles

Representation Summary:

Being a retired parish council member i am very much aware of the flooding that takes place from time to time. This has been going on since the area of newer building surrounding the old village was built. In many many years this flooding has never been completely cured and the problem will be even more severe if the project goes ahead. Green belt land should be guarded at all costs and retained for food production. Covering this large area with solid materials will have a disasterous effect on water drainage. The countryside must be protected for future generations to enjoy and not be covered with building conurbations. This has everything to do with immigration which over recent years has got totally out of control. This problem should be addressed first.

Full text:

Being a retired parish council member i am very much aware of the flooding that takes place from time to time. This has been going on since the area of newer building surrounding the old village was built. In many many years this flooding has never been completely cured and the problem will be even more severe if the project goes ahead. Green belt land should be guarded at all costs and retained for food production. Covering this large area with solid materials will have a disasterous effect on water drainage. The countryside must be protected for future generations to enjoy and not be covered with building conurbations. This has everything to do with immigration which over recent years has got totally out of control. This problem should be addressed first.