
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44694

Received: 07/05/2010

Respondent: Mr Frederick Charles Reynolds

Representation Summary:

1. Green Belt land should not be built on.
2. The land is farmland and if developed will be lost to food production and lead to loss of farmworkers' jobs.
3. There will be loss of wildlife - badgers, which are protected, and foxes - and their natural environment.
4. Development will lead to more noise and traffic and loss of country views.
5. Council should look at other sites, such as Campion Hills (where they have the funfairs) and land at the end of Parklands Avenue, and vacant buildings and sites.

Full text:

1. Green Belt land should not be built on.
2. The land is farmland and if developed will be lost to food production and lead to loss of farmworkers' jobs.
3. There will be loss of wildlife - badgers, which are protected, and foxes. Also all other wildlife and their environment which we should be protecting.
4. Development will lead to more noise and traffic and loss of country views.
5. There are alternative places that can be developed, including empty buildings and sites for offices - a use which no one wants. Council should look at other sites such as Campion Hills (where they have the funfairs) and land at the end of Parklands Avenue.