
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44749

Received: 24/03/2010

Respondent: G W & J R Cleaver

Representation Summary:

I strongly object because we should protect and keep our village community. The countryside a short walk away, grew up with very little criminal activity and a lot less than in a town environment. There will be no countryside, natural habitat etc. for our next generation. On top of all that, flooding is a large concern to village residents and this could make it a lot worse.
We do not want Cubbington to become a town or Leamington a city

Full text:

I strongly object because we should protect and keep our village community. The countryside a short walk away, grew up with very little criminal activity and a lot less than in a town environment. There will be no countryside, natural habitat etc. for our next generation. On top of all that, flooding is a large concern to village residents and this could make it a lot worse.
We do not want Cubbington to become a town or Leamington a city