
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44752

Received: 24/03/2010

Respondent: Mrs Jean M Lester

Representation Summary:

My objection to the proposed Glebe Farm site can be summed up in one short phrase: 'Save Cubbington for the Future'.
Loss of village life/community spirit.
Green belt land between Cubbington and Lillington must remain.
Land at Thwaites should stay green because of possible flooding - especially if covered in concrete/tarmac. The clay subsoil makes this prone to flooding.
Road outlets to Offchurch Road would be accident black spots. Offchurch Road already rat race. Bridge over river (nearer Offchurch) and road through Offchurch cannot withstand more traffic. Flooding always a problem.
Sewers would need updating.
Pressure on schools - transporting pupils adding to congested roads.

Full text:

My objection to the proposed Glebe Farm site can be summed up in one short phrase: 'Save Cubbington for the Future'.
I have lived here for a mere 45 years - Cubbington has been here for about 1000 years. Why destroy it now?
Cubbington will be on the edge of a large urban sprawl - from Tachbrook via Leamington and from West Warwick on the other side. The speakers at the public meeting on 17th March said we had to look at the broader view:
It is obvious that if the present possible development goes ahead. our village life, one rich in community spirit, will be lost. I know all about community spirit. At the time of the 2007 flood, I was on holday and returned to a flooded uninhabitable bungalow (I was afterwards in temporary accommodation for 9 months), however, at the moment of the flood, my neighbour, who has a key, managed to come and get some of the water out and rescued some of my personal belongings. They did this even though their own homw, like mine, was completely wrecked. Upon my return they came into my home with me as they didn't want me to enter my wrecked home on my own.
I don't want to live anywhere but this village, where community spirit is still 'alive and kicking' i.e. the OAP Ass'n, Cubbington Club, WI, Scouts and Guides, a fully booked village hall - and not forgetting 2 pubs. I feel all these will fade if we become just a dormitory of Leamington.
The green belt land between Cubbington and Lillington must remain green for the benefit of residents and wildlife alike.
The land to the south of Thwaites should stay green because of possible flooding - because of the 'bowl' situation of the village, the run off of water from the surrounding heights will increase the danger if the area is covered in concrete and tarmac. The clay subsoil anyway makes this prone to flooding.
The proposed new road outlets on to Offchurch Road would be accident black spots immediately. Offchurch Road is already a rat race for part of each day. The bridge over the river (nearer Offchurch) and also the road through Offchurch village cannot withstand greater volume of traffic. Flooding is again always a problem in wet weather, coming from Cubbington.
I think also that if these 'Glebe' proposals were given the go ahead the sewers system in the Ladycroft, Price Road, New Street area would probably need updating.
Also there would be pressure on local schools - transporting pupils (and more of them) would create a problem - adding to already congested roads.
Has full consideration been given to possibly using sites at Coventry 'airport' and the old Peugeot site for further development