
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44765

Received: 19/03/2010

Respondent: Wilma B Lawson

Representation Summary:

Flooding in Cubbington village would become worse if these houses were built
Roads, schools, doctors would be put under much greater pressure. Roads are already very busy, especially at peak times
The green belt between Cubbington and Lillington must be protected for the sake of the welll being of the present residents, wildlife would be decimated in this very beautiful area

Full text:

Flooding in Cubbington village would become worse if these houses were built
Roads, schools, doctors would be put under much greater pressure. Roads are already very busy, especially at peak times
The green belt between Cubbington and Lillington must be protected for the sake of the welll being of the present residents, wildlife would be decimated in this very beautiful area