
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44753

Received: 24/03/2010

Respondent: Mr. Ernest Alan Turner

Representation Summary:

It is crazy and outrageous to create one huge conurbation of Lillington and the village of Cubbington which already has its own problems of flooding.
I consider it unacceptable to consider this green belt site when there are other non- green belt sites available for housing in WDC area
Traffic congestion in the Cubbington and lillington area is already very heavy at peak times and these roads were never expected to carry current volumes of trafic, never mind the obvious increase which the Glebe Farm development would create.
I would urge the council to reject the Glebe Farm development

Full text:

It is crazy and outrageous to create one huge conurbation of Lillington and the village of Cubbington which already has its own problems of flooding.
I consider it unacceptable to consider this green belt site when there are other non- green belt sites available for housing in WDC area
Traffic congestion in the Cubbington and lillington area is already very heavy at peak times and these roads were never expected to carry current volumes of trafic, never mind the obvious increase which the Glebe Farm development would create.
I would urge the council to reject the Glebe Farm development