
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44743

Received: 10/05/2010

Respondent: Catherine A Jones

Representation Summary:

Will destroy Badger hill plus all other wildlife.
Public footpaths which I thought were protected by law.
Traffic and noise.
Please don't take any more green fields. We soon will run out
Very little if any firms left in Leamington so people moving in have a distance to travel to their works.
The two schools won't be able to cope. Look what happened at Warwick Gates they took all Whitnash places and caused a lot of problems

Full text:

My first objection against the housing project is the Badger hill they will destroy plus all the other wildlife. Next is the public footpaths which I thought were protected by law. What is the point if someone can over ride these, also is the traffic and noise it is going to create, please don't take any more green fields. We soon will run out if any one can apply and get permission. We should respect our green fields not destroy them and also we have very little if any firms left in Leamington so people moving in have a distance to travel to their works.
I object strongly to this move also the two schools won't be able to cope. Look what happened at Warwick Gates they took all Whitnash places and caused a lot of problems