
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44751

Received: 24/03/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs G Priest

Representation Summary:

This project will destroy all that Cubbington stands for. It's a village and proud of that.
Over the years I have watched Leamington destroy landmarks, its history and many things we have loved. Yes houses are needed for future but where you put them is a bit problem. Cubbinton heritage must be protected and you must listen to the people who live here and voted for you to listen to us. So leave Cubbington and your proposal out of any plans you have. We do not support your development

Full text:

This project will destroy all that Cubbington stands for. It's a village and proud of that.
Over the years I have watched Leamington destroy landmarks, its history and many things we have loved. Yes houses are needed for future but where you put them is a bit problem. Cubbinton heritage must be protected and you must listen to the people who live here and voted for you to listen to us. So leave Cubbington and your proposal out of any plans you have. We do not support your development