
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44756

Received: 24/03/2010

Respondent: John Taylor

Representation Summary:

Cubbington village is busy as it is. Increased traffic will ruin village status. Sewerage system is inadequate. Have had flooding several times in recent years. In New Street when pupils arriving and leaving school, traffic and parking is horrendous and police do nothing. If this scheme goes ahead it will be worse and more dangerous.
Offchurch Road will become more dangerous as will Welsh Road.
Schools would not be able to cope with increased number of pupils this scheme would bring.
This idea would spoil a nice village. Nothing has been done to alleviate flooding situation

Full text:

This is a flawed scheme. Cubbington village is busy as it is. the increased traffic will ruin our village status. The sewerage system is inadequate. We have had flooding several times in recent years,. In New Street when pupils arriving and leaving school, the traffic and parking is horrendous and the police do nothing. If this scheme goes ahead it will be worse and more dangerous.
Offchurch Road which is already a busy road will become more dangerous as will Welsh Road.
The schools would not be able to cope with the increased number of pupils this scheme would bring.
This idea is stupid to say the least and would spoil a nice village. Nothing has been done to alleviate flooding situation