
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44742

Received: 25/03/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs J Fraser

Representation Summary:

Flooding: all the land on the proposed site slopes towards the village, we already have a flooding problem
Work: no work in the immediate area therefore the residents would have to commute, possibly through the town adding to the congestion at peak times
Parking: already a shortage of parking at the shops in the village
Loss of village life. We do not want to be a suburb of Leamington Spa

Full text:

Flooding: all the land on the proposed site slopes towards the village, we already have a flooding problem
Work: no work in the immediate area therefore the residents would have to commute, possibly through the town adding to the congestion at peak times
Parking: already a shortage of parking at the shops in the village
Loss of village life. We do not want to be a suburb of Leamington Spa